Sorry I was late to the party, but I just wanted to say a few things.

I am glad you finally saw what would be best for you. Often times, when we are in these kinds of relationships (I've been in one before), you are usually giving of yourself for them. You may feel guilty or sad because they are upset, and you're used to making them happy, but this will pass soon. Also, everything will remind you of him, that is normal. It made me sad, and it may make you sad too, but that passes with time, even when you think it won't. If I find something that reminds me of that person, I usually think of a reason I broke up w/ them, and that does the trick.

Remember, you are a person too, and you have to do what is best for you sometimes, even if it means hurting someone. You aren't a selfish person at all, but this one thing was for you.

I applaud your courage and your self-esteem. Without those things, you would not have been able to do it. You are a smart girl, and I know you will be happier this way.

Just come here if something gets too hard for you, and we'll be here with open arms.

Congrats on law school and I wish you the best of luck!

Make us proud!