I'll try to break this down as succinctly as possible. This November, my wife and I will be taking the 2 kids for a trip to Walt Disney World, for the first time as a complete family. This will be the third consecutive year she and I go in November, having previously celebrated our 2nd and 3rd wedding anniversaries at Walt Disney World. This year, due to scheduling, we'll be down there the week before our 4th anniversary, but I still hope to make it a special trip.

Which brings me to the back story. When we got married, we did it in a fairly rushed fashion. There wasn't really a proposal on my part, just an agreement by the two of us to get married. Having just started a new job after being out of work for a couple months, I didn't have money for a ring, and she wore a $20 clearance prom dress that she found at Macy's. We had a private ceremony in a one room chapel with only the kids and our parents present. Over the last several years, she has commented on how she now wishes she would have had that romantic proposal, and gotten to wear a beautiful dress, and have that big party.

The last year has been particularly trying for us. We went through a child custody battle for her daughter, which we won, and then ended up having our son evaluated and diagnosed with ADHD following a difficult first year of school.

From a financial standpoint, I'm in a much better place than I was 4 years ago, as I now oversee the entire office that I had just started working in shortly before we got married. We're not rolling in the cash, but we're now able to move up to moderate resorts after staying at the values over the last couple years. Disney World has become a very special place for us and our family over the past couple years, and I know she loves the fairy tale euphoria of it all. She's my real life princess, and I would like to finally do right by her, and give her that proposal that she's always dreamed of, asking her to do a reaffirmation ceremony in one year's time for our 5th anniversary, where she can finally have the type of wedding that she had once dreamed of.

So, here's where I need your help. How do I best go about pulling off this type of proposal at Disney World? I'll be more than happy to share any details and answer any questions any of you may have that can help to come up with the perfect plan for making her dream come true.