Quote Originally Posted by MelissaW View Post
Maria K and I are looking into this trip! I'm thinking we may stay off property at Fairfield Inn or somewhere nearby. I looked at the list of proposed meets / ride together they all sound great! I most especially am interested in doing the Walk in Walt's footsteps tour. I'd like to know more about that. Sure hope I can make this trip!
I have never done it. The shame! Although, I've never really been able to, since I've always had little ones with me in the past. No kids this time means I can do whatever I want! LOL!

Anyway, I am definitely doing this tour. I'd be willing to coordinate this if we can get a solid group together who wants to do it on the same day. I'm not really sure how Disney handles a group that wants to do the tour, but I will find out. As far as I know, it is a walking tour that is 2-3 hours in length (can the Senioritas confirm?), similar to the Keys to the Kingdom Tour at WDW's MK. The most interesting part is you get to go INSIDE Walt's personal apartment above the firehouse. I have always wanted to go in there!

Right now, I'm probably in for Oct 21-28 as well. Just confirmed with my husband that it will be okay for him to be off work Tues-Tues.