Here's the latest additions to the "Brewzerz" picture album (plus the few that were already there... start at the pic's that are titled "Valentines".)

Since the end of January we've been asked to play at this place 4 more times and have been told they want us back for more. This weekend was 2 nights back-2-back, and Saturday the place had more people in it than we (or some of the regulars) have ever seen! It was crazy!
They drove bikes up inside on the dance floor for a little "show"... the funny thing was they have signs all over saying "NO RICE ALLOWED" but 1 guy showed up on a Yamaha... they teased him a bit, kinda scaring him, then laughed and said "don't sweat it bro, ALL bikes are really welcome!" So when the rolled the bikes in for the show, the went and got him, and everybody cheered! It was cool!
People danced danced danced as you can see in the pictures. There was a guy we called the "Dancing Cowboy" who worked the pole like he was riding a wild bull... he bought the entire band rounds (both Chad & I gave ours to the other guys in the band as we don't drink - at least not while performing!)
It ended up being a 5 hour show - Birthday people came and partied... it was just a really great time!
At some point in time, a few local "rival bands" came in - and we were "alerted" (not that I care or feel competitive - it's all a big bortherhood as far as I'm concerned, but others feel differently.) We were "convinced" to go into "Love Hurts", which is probably the most difficult song for me to sing.... the crowd went NUTS, the dance floor filled up, and the other band people turned around and left. Oh well...

Gotta lot on our plates, so I'll pop in here & SW as often as I can between shows and travels...