I just finished posting this bulletin on our band's page. I knew if I came here and asked, that you're the kind of people who would pray and send pixie dust and best wishes to our bassist and his family.
Please read:

Despite what may have been said before, we try dilligently to make all shows if at all possible. With that being said...

This Saturday, RELIX is set to return to JOCK DANIEL'S in Bunkie, LA.

Today, our bassist Chad called to let us know his Dad has a serious lung infection and is in ICU. As of his last call, his Dad had been stabilized, but he has a history of lung problems as well as other medical issues, and doctors are saying it'll be 48 hours before they can say for sure if he's going to bounce back from this.

We of course are very concerned not only for his Dad, but Chad as well, as this can be a very emotional time. He's at his side around the clock, and worn to a frazzle. He told us that if his Dad is clear and out of ICU and doing better by noon Saturday he'll try to do the show, but if not he will be remaining at the hospital. We in RELIX of course are in full support of this, have tired to reassure Chad to do what he needs to do right now, and are all praying for the best outcome for Chad and his family during this.

To avoid cancelling the show, John will be switching over from Rhythm guitar (and 12-String) to pull Bass guitar duties. He is nowhere near the talented bassist Chad is, but he does know his way around the instrument, having played it quite a bit for studio projects and to help out others as a session musician in the past, and the set-list has been adjusted accordingly to allow for songs he and the rest of the band feel they can comfortably pull off as a 3 piece.

John says; "Selfishly, there's like a 2% part of me that wants Chad to show up, but the rational 98% of me wants him to be where he is with his family. Having lost both of my own parents, I can understand his anxiety right now at wanting to be at his Dad's side until he is better.

So the show WILL GO ON... and we will be doing it with our brother on our minds. Thanks for reading... we hope you'll join us in sending best wishes to the Montgomery Family right now.
I am a little scared as well, because my bass skills have gotten rusty, as well as the strings on my bass when I went to pull it out of the closet. But all kidding aside... keep Chad in your thoughts if ya would?