Live and direct from VMK Central, it's the latest VMK news. And now the host and keeper of the Kingdom, Yavn...

Hello! Live from VMK Central, it's me, Yavn with my next to last column for VMK. As we come to the finale for VMK, we wanted to wrap the game up on a high note – that's why May is VMK Celebration Month!

Celebrating the Magic

We kicked off the month by releasing some very special VMK desktop wallpapers and by the number of downloads – it looks like you're enjoying them! We'll have more special surprises like this too, so stay tuned.

Speaking of Toons I hope you enjoyed our Topsy Turvy Toontown month – Halloween in April? I didn't see that coming!

All during the month of May, we're going to celebrate Virtual Magic Kingdom! That includes the Parks the game is based on, the players that have supported the game and your memories – that's right, you're a part of the magic and we want you to share your memories with us!

How can you share a VMK memory? Just use 'Contact Us' and select 'VMK Memories' from the list of options. We'll post your memories right here in the Newsletter in a special VMK Memories section. We're also going to spotlight players and make some dreams come true (in the form of item releases) for one final time.

Join us to celebrate!

VMK Mysteries: Legends, Myths & Rumors

Want to stay on top of the latest item releases? Be sure to check in with Shrunken Ned! Want to know what activities are happening during the VMK Celebration? Check out the Event Info section for that and other happenings in the game. We've got lots of magic let, so make sure you don't miss it. Now before we wrap up this edition I thought now would be a good time to answer your questions about some VMK mysteries...

Will the final version of the VMK Trading Card Game come out?

By now you've probably guessed the answer to that question. We've already released some of the Trading Card items and will release a few more before the game closes. What happened to the VMK TCG? Honestly? The bugs for multiplayer have never been worked out to our satisfaction and the decision was made not to release the full game.

What happened to the trash can?

We hear he's making quite the name for himself as a Blizzard Beach lifeguard! Seriously, like many things in VMK, we were always exploring new ways to do things. In the end, we ultimately thought the all-knowing Esmeralda was much better suited for trivia.

What was VMK Stories?

Who told you about VMK Stories? VMKS was an action-adventure game that we were developing as a possible addition to VMK, some of you got a peek at it when pictures of it got leaked by an industrious player who found a backdoor to the VMK Central computer.

VMK Stories was like many things we develop here at the Walt Disney Company – we try and test many rides, technologies and other forms of entertainment at Disney, some get things made and some don't.

What was your favorite part of VMK?

The Churro Cart. Ok, joking aside, I loved seeing how players used their imaginations to build awesome rooms, games and Quests. Players used things in ways we never really thought about or intended for players to use in that way like building giant characters out of simple crates or using water carpets to make a swimming pool!

So there you go a peek behind the scenes and a little insight on how we make the magic.

Alright, I gotta run but I'll be back in a few weeks for one more shout out, until then enjoy the game!

See you in VMK,