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Results 1 to 15 of 15
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default How young is too young?

    I know this has probably already been discussed, but I thought I would ask again. What is the best age to take a child the first time to WDW?

    I have seen all ages...seemingly newborns on up, but I was just wanting some input/advice on what works and doesn't with toting around a little one. We are definately planning on taking advantage of the "Under 3 are free" deal, but when do we go? dw and I love WDW and can't see waiting 2.5 more years untill our next trip. I guess we could always leave the little guy with the grandparents.

    I know the baby-swap works well. I am just wanting some logistical advice like eating schedules, naps, etc.



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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wash, DC


    I took my baby girl to WDW for the first time when she was 15 months (we also took her to Paris when she was 3 months old and to Atlantis in the Bahamas when she was 9 months old). Here are my 2 cents:

    There is no such thing as 'too young' to take the baby. The first few weeks might not be a good idea as a sleep pattern develops, but after that an infant pretty much can sleep anywhere, any time. Up until around six months old, I'd say the same goes. But a trip at this age will be for you, not the baby. While baby may react to things at WDW, she'll also react to a cardboard box or her Grandma's basement.

    We took a trip to WDW when my daughter was 15 months. We all had fun, but this trip was different than previous trips w/o children, so it was an adjustment. I'd say that this is not an age when a baby will appreciate or understand his/her surroundings, but that opinion is overridden by MY desire to have a vacation in WDW.

    That being said, a vacation at WDW with a baby is about the easiest place to go on vacation with a baby. Between play areas and baby care centers, the only place easier would be staying at home.

    We keep our daughter on a strict eating and sleeping schedule....and we didn't vary it because we were in WDW. For us, it was more important for us to have a nice time while she was awake and in a good mood, then it was to maximize park time. Whether or not you'll have to be this regimented, will depend on your baby. Our little girl gets cranky when her schedule is varies, so we didn't see the point in making us all miserable....we just had less park time. But we got a sitter for a few nights so we could enjoy the parks as adults.

    I'm very much looking forward to my fall trip when she will be 27 months. She is much more aware of her environment now, and enjoys carousels, slides, and being in the water. And she recognizes the characters now too, so that's a new element that will be present this year, that wasn't there last year. But we plan to keep to her sleeping and eating schedule to maximize happiness and minimize melt-downs.

    While she definitely slowed the pace of our vacation down, and kept us from seeing everything, it was a wonderful experience that I would do all over again. I would not suggest shipping him to the Grandparents, but getting a sitter a few nights so you can experience WDW both as a family and as a couple.
    80s: Poly X 2, LBR X 3;
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    YC 10/02, 9/06
    Dolphin 10/04
    DL - Grand Californian 3/06
    Disneyland Paris 9/07
    Swan 9/08, 6/10
    BLT @ the CR, 9/09, 12/10 - Daddy-Daughter Trip

    Disney-Like: Atlantis - Paradise Island 3/01, 3/02, 9/03, 9/05, 3/07, 4/08, 3/09, 4/10, and 3/11

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Almont, MI


    First let me say that I've been going to WDW since I was a kid myself, so most of my visits up until the past two years have been child-free. So when I had my daughter in October of '07, I couldn't believe that I was going to have to wait 5 years, like some people told me, until it would be worth it to take her. Suffice it to say, I couldn't even wait a year. We ended up taking her the following May at 7 months. Let me just say it was a fantastic trip. We brought along my parents so we had a little extra help and had a fantastic time. We just took it kind of easy, didn't try to push her. And she was great! Went on every ride that she could (including Pirates and Haunted Mansion which I was afraid might freak her out) and she had a blast on every one.

    This past January came and we couldn't pass on the 7 for 4 deal, so we all went again. She had a fantastic time again at 16 months of age. Again, had no problem with any of the rides and no melt downs. You just have to make sure you feed them when they're hungry and let them sleep when they're tired. And keep the sun block on them. And just try not to do too much. She actually took nice long naps in her stroller.

    However, all that said, we probably will wait a year or two before we try it again. She was borderline at 16 months with being content in the stroller for very long. Now at 19 months I wouldn't try it. She doesn't want to be carried or sit in the stroller... she wants to walk, or run on her own. So it all depends on the stage that the child is in. Now in a couple of years when she calms down a little (HA! Yeah right), she'll be good to go again.

    I will say that we purchased one of those backpack/leash things for her, for the last trip and only ended up using it once. I felt very self-conscious of it, and after hearing a man remark to his wife "NICE, they got there kid on a leash", I took it off and never ended up using it again.

    So, to make a long post short... go for it!
    Just know their limitations, and you'll all have a great time!

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Chalfont, PA


    I don't think there is such a thing as too young. I think it's nice how different the experience is at all the different ages.
    When we came back form our first trip, people kept asking us if we did haunted mansion, space mtn, world showcase on and on and on ....and the truth is we didn't do any of the "older things that we would do if we were there without kids or had older kids...we just did what was suitable for them...and quite frankly couldn't fit all of that in.
    That's why we look forward to going back each time b/c each time it will be different!!

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Houston,TX *USA* - 1000.5 Miles from WDW


    This question comes up a lot. Some would say wait for your kids to get old enough so they can really enjoy it. Others would say take them whenever you feel like it. Truthfully, there is no set answer. It all just depends on you and how you feel they will do and yourself too.

    For us, we waited until our youngest was 4 and able to go without a stroller. We just didn't want to be carrying a stroller and all the things that go with it around the parks when they were hot and crowded. Now, in truth, we probably pushed him a little to much on his first trip, but he survived, and so did we.
    Everybody else is thinking it, I'm just saying it. - Mr Gibbs
    12/01-Doubletree Suites (DTD)
    2/04-Mariott Horizons

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Amarillo, Texas


    There is no one "right" answer for everybody, but it depends a lot on how often you expect to go and how willing you are to pass on doing "adult" things or staying out late.

    We took our DD for the first time when she was 6, almost 7. It was great. The next year we took her again and also her two year old brother (who turned three while we there) since he did not need a separate ticket. While most of the time at the parks were fine, dinners tended to be extremely stressful for us (and probably those at the tables around us, too). If we had to do over again, I'm not sure we would have taken him.

    Because of that, we were hesitant about going back again until he was a couple of years older. However, he has really grown up so much the last few months that we think (hope) that it will go really well on his fourth birthday this year.
    I'm no fool, no siree, I'm going to live to be 103. I play safe for you and me, cause I'm no fool."

    POP - 09/07
    POP - 09/08
    SSR - 09/09

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    Breaking the pattern this year and doing AllStar Movies Dec 11-18, 2010

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    It is your own personal preference. You are the parent & you know what is right for your child.

    That being said I was 6 months old my 1st trip then my 2nd trip I was 2 1/2 yo. Of course back then my first trip WDW had only been open 2 years. Then I went again when I was 12. DL when I was 15yo. Then been several time to the WDW since then as an adult.

    We took DD her first time when she was 2 1/2 then took her the following year when she was 3. She had about the same memories as me nothing concrete but it all seemed familiar. However she had a lot of fun. We just went last year she was 9. My dses were 4 & 5. The only reason they were older was because 1st of all they were born in less than a year apart & I stopped working to stay home. It took us that long to finally save the money to go.

    This year DD will be 10 the boys will still be 4&5 when we go. It is still a lot of fun going with them at any age. My parents still enjoy going with me.
    Just got back. Unless we win the lottery or some long lost rich relative leaves me a bunch of money we won't be back for 5 years.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Southern Indiana


    For me, three is the perfect age for a first experience at WDW, as far their memories and understanding goes. But, even if you wanted to wait until they were older, when you have more than one child, you can't always wait until everyone is at least three (well, you can, but who wants to? ).

    That being said, I definitely think that WDW is doable with kids of any age, as long as you are willing to make adjustments. When DH and I went for the first time with kids, we took our boys who were both three at the time (one had just turned three, the other almost turning four). We knew in advance that it was not going to be like our recent trips where we went as one adult couple in a small group of adult couples. No more rising at the crack of dawn and going until midnight, no more doing three parks in one day and then heading to Pleasure Island, no more traveling lightly.

    We decided in advance that the whole vacation would be completely and totally about them, as far as schedule and itinerary went. Which meant that if they got tired and fussy, we didn't try to coerce them into "just a couple more hours", and we did things like take an entire break day between parks, at least every two days.

    My advice is, go when you want to, but plan to be flexible. You should make an itinerary, but decide in advance that you aren't going to be upset if you have to change, drop, or add something on the fly. I've learned that vacationing with kids is all about going with the flow. Their flow.

    Next up: November 2014
    DH, DS12, DS11, DD4, DD3, and me- along with my two sisters and their hubbies, ten nieces and nephews, my parents and MIL! As my youngest girlie says, "Yee-HAW!"

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    My littlest one has been going since he was one. It has always been great. I did bring my own stroller (the kind that lies flat) every time. He would nap at will and snuggle to sleep on my lap during the dark rides. I did sit out some of the exciting rides or did the baby swap, but that was all okay. He has loved it every year. We really didn't modify our schedule much for him and he really didn't change his for Disney. He slept when he wanted, played when he wanted, nursed and snacked when he wanted. Every family has its own rhythm, so this may not work in the same way for you. The main thing is to be flexible and not expect him to get the same things out of it that you do.
    2017 WDW All Star Music/Universal RP
    2016 :(
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    2014 :(
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    2008 Polynesian
    2007 ASM & BCR
    2006 AKL

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Oklahoma City


    DH and I love going to WDW and we are not about to wait until everyone turns an unspecified magical age. I didn't feel comfortable traveling with a newborn, but we took baby's 1st trip for DS's 1st birthday and it was a fantastic trip. We did a birthday breakfast with Pooh & friends at CP and did his 1st haircut at the Main Street Barber shop. We rode all the little rides and DS seemed to enjoy it all. Just 3 months later we went again when DS was 15 months and it was also great. By this time DS was walking so it was a completely different trip. He seemed to notice more and interact with the characters more. We are headed back in Sept at 23 months and again next May at 2 1/2.

    As mentioned by previous posters, WDW is very family friendly and it makes traveling with a little one pretty easy. DS was not one of those go with the flow kind of babies, but he did great at WDW. We make good use of the Baby Centers which are great just to get some quiet time away from the hustle and bustle. We stick to his usual schedule and we always take an afternoon resort break. The 1st trip with DS I shipped a package to the resort with diapers and baby food. By the 2nd trip I decided just to pack the diapers in our luggage and use grocery delivery for food items. That worked well so that's our plan from now on. We always bring our own stroller, a lightweight umbrella and although I prefer to rent a car with a baby we do sometimes use the buses. We used the Disney buses exclusively on baby's 1st trip and it was fine.

    Where there is kindness there is goodness, and where there is goodness there is magic.

  12. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Too far from WDW!


    We went when our youngest was nine months old and he loved it. I would agree that renting a car was really nice. We also did not go Disney Commado the whole time either. We took a lot of breaks and went back to the resort early.

    It doesn't hurt to take a grandparent along too!
    Too many trips to count!
    Disneyland Paris!
    Coming soon Tokyo!

    I have stayed at: All Star Movies, All Star Music, Pop Century, Art of Animation, Port Orleans Riverside, Caribbean Beach Resort, Saratoga Springs Resort

  13. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    Go when you feel you can handle your child and the child won't be a "burden" on other guests.
    I was raised by a mother who had 8 kids and took us everywhere. We were well behaved and quite portable.
    My mother could handle 8 kids with little (seemingly) effort on her. We were clean, fed and happy, (most of the time)
    I have 2 boys, 5 years apart, I took them everywhere and did everything with them.
    I am able to handle my kids with little effort, as my mother did.
    You "go with the flow" and just handle whatever comes up, that is what a parent does.
    I have seen others who seem to have no clue about how to parent, everything is an effort and a struggle.
    You need to know going in what is expected.
    If you have a toddler, you will be playing chase and catch with them. you will be playing pick up, you will need to take breaks and miss some things because they need a quiet place to rest and recoup.
    If you go with a baby, you will need to be very aware of the heat and sun. you will need to make lots of time for indoor activities, whether it's going on Ellen, Space ship earth, Mickey's philharmagic etc. Might not be EE like you want but your baby will love the dark cool reprieve.
    Just make sure that you put the child first, go with the flow and don't worry if you don't do everything. If you play your cards right, everyone will have a good time and you will be planning the next trip on the ride home!
    Dolphin & POFQ 2010

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    ALL STAR MUSIC August 2007

    POP August 2006

    Coronado Springs 2005

    DCL trip December 2005

    WDW DOLPHIN July 2004


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    WDW OFF PROPERTY March 1994

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  14. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


    I am so glad to read that many people don't think that there is too young an age. Two memories to share:

    1) I took my DS for his first B-day. We have too many memories of him to count even though he doesn't remember any of it.

    2) I took my DD when she was 16 months, with almost 3y DS, and she took some of her first steps RUNNING to see Pooh. Will never forget that!!

    My point is that I will remember more about my kids first trips than they EVER will and that is OK. Like everyone else said, plan well and adjust for little ones. GOOD LUCK.
    23 Trips in 21 Years, Including 5 Disney Cruises, From Chicago
    Hopefully DisneyLAND summer 2014!
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  15. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default stroller

    The first time we took our children to WDW, my DD was 3 & DS was 1 1/2. We brought our double stroller. We didnt have any problems. When they were tired, they slept, (just cat naps). We did rent a car. The busses would have been difficult with the stroller during crowded times.

    Something I will never forget...when we walked into the MK & looked up at Cinderella's Castle, my DD was holding my hand. She looked up at me and asked...."IS THIS A DREAM"
    She may not remember that, except I always remind her..I will never forget that precious moment.

  16. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    South Jersey


    As someone who has taken her kids to WDW since they were one year olds, I definitely think that it can be an absolutely wonderful experience at any age.

    I think that the success of a trip with very small children depends a lot on your expectations. When our children were really little, we stuck to their schedules at Disney - naps, meals and bedtimes were pretty much the same as at home. We found that by sticking to the general flow of their regular days, we all stayed happy, relaxed and had a ball. We were flexible, but we made sure we didn't run them ragged and watched for signs that they were getting overtired and overwhelmed. Most of all we never worried about what we missed at the parks.

    It may be a different experience when you bring your small kids along, but it can still be a most magical one. Honestly, I think that there is no easier place to travel with very little ones - enjoy!!
    1975-1988,1993 - Offsite
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