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  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by JPL View Post
    Very simple solution to the Mousekeeping issue change out the glasses and wash them at the central location after each guest checks out.
    This has nothing to do with Phophates or anything else for that matter that involves the environment or our health and well being. It's a cost cutting measure. Plain and simple I don't use Disposable cups at home and DVC is suppose to offer the comforts of home at WDW.
    Again, just a guess, but I bet that when they planned the DVC resorts (as opposed to the regular resorts) the central cleaning location was not built to handle cleaning of all dishes after every checkout. Of course I have no knowledge of the backstage issues, but since daily housekeeping is not built into the DVC resorts, I'm guessing this would be another cost-cutting measure, since it would be assumed that guests would be washing dishes themselves in their rooms.

    Maybe someone else can offer some insight into the backstage areas of DVC resorts.

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  3. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by MsMin View Post
    WE recycle Styrofoam here, by law you can not put the triangle on it if it's not recycled.
    There are recycling triangles on all sorts of materials that MOST communities cannot recycle. Just because it can be recycled, doesn't mean it is.
    In my area, we can only recycle plastics with a 1 or 2- all the 5, 7, etc. go in the landfills. They take aluminum cans, but no aluminum pans or foil.
    My parents live only 40 miles away and their area does not take any plastics. Just cans, glass and paper.

    Quote Originally Posted by MsMin View Post
    So what about the phosphates in the soap?
    I don't hear anything about them removing the dish soap from the larger villas.

    I use the dish soap more than the dishwasher in the 1 & 2 bedrooms. I don't cook much, if at all, so it's usually just a dish or mug here and there. Easier and faster than running the dishwasher.
    Their reason is not an environmental one- that's for sure.
    aka: wendy*darling

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    On Deck: DCL Wonder Dec 2010... but I'm sure we can come up with something before then!

  4. #63
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    It saddens me to see that ppl don't think phosphates are a SERIOUS problem... Why do you think we can't swim in the lakes anymore??? not just the motors but the algae bloom caused by the phosphates, which kills the fish and wrecks the whole ecosystem in the lake.
    No I don't read National Geographic b/c it takes years to get info into magazines after the research is performed. My brother is one of the leading water quality experts (PhD from UF in Environmental Engineering) in the country and works in Central Florida on the water problems there which include the algae problems from phosphates. Lakes have died w/o ppl using fueled engines b/c of the run off in the area. (I've attended some of his lectures) Isn't it the same to say that phosphates don't matter as my cup won't hurt? They have a very serious impact on the environment and it's evident TODAY at WDW-- why do you think they removed them from other detergents? If I had a choice between a recycled paper cup and dish washing liquid I would use the cup. --phosphates don't matter??
    I think the ceramic is nasty b/c you don't know how clean it is. I don't use it or care if it's there; but, respect that some of you will miss it. I personally use the refillable cup b/c at least I know who drank out of it and how clean it is (or isn't). What is the average lifespan of a cup? do you know how much energy is used to make one? If you suggest moving them to a central location to clean (which is an excellent idea) do you know for a facts that impact the environment? It's not always $$$ b/c I'm sure they spent a small fortune researching it alone, more then they would save to make the change for some time. ( I know how much my brother makes an hour though he doesn't do Disney but I don't think I can say who he does work for in the state) I just trust him more than some site (even a valid one b/c I've seen research get distorted by writers who don't know what they are reading).
    I just don't think (and hope)that everything is to save a dime b/c WDW is far above the rest w/ managing the environment and are watched very closely. If you want to look at waste how about all the flyer's they produce every week! They waste tons of paper just to let you know when the parade is starting or the fireworks.. What if they stopped producing bags or asked us to purchase shopping bags to carry back our own goodies? Tons of paper is wasted and hopefully recycled but you know it's only a portion.
    Again, I'm sorry if you will miss the cups and understand it is frustrating to say the least but I choose to remain open minded before I start screaming that it's only for $$$$.
    We recycle 1-7 here-- in fact I recycle more than I throw away and they are recycled. I know we have an award winning recycling program here but sometimes that's not worth the paper it's printed on.
    Remember too that dishwashing detergent does not contain phosphate only the liquid variety. Maybe if they reduce it by 1/2 it would help. It doesn't make sense to remove a cup that lets face it -- hasn't been cleaned and replace it with something more costly. Their investment is already there in the cups so you are talking about an increase for them not a huge decrease. I just think their reason in more than we know.
    EXCESSIVE PHOSPHATES ARE DESTROYING OUR ENVIRONMENT... PLEASE USE THEM WISELY... maybe would should pressure the dishwashing liquid ppl to stop using phosphates....
    Last edited by MsMin; 03-13-2008 at 02:17 PM. Reason: add more
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  5. #64
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    As mentioned in my previous post we use our refillable mugs for all our drinking needs. There seems to be an overwhelming dislike for using non china or glass for drinking cups. What do you get when you want a re-fill at any BW re-fill station? Styrofoam or paper cups! They do not use our re-fill cups for hygienic reasons. So why are you not complaining about this practice being environmentally concerned? When we get any CS drinks at the parks are you concerned about the damage you are doing to the environment with all the waste products? Are we upset because we stay at "deluxe" resorts so we deserve fine china and silverware? The Stoneware mugs that they are removing don't really qualify as fine drinking vessels. They give out a horrid taste and never contain the heat long enough to drink the contents. I'm sorry to disagree on this discussion, as to me its seems a trivial complaint.

  6. #65
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    I have no intention of getting into an argument with you about this subject! It's obvious that you care very much about phosphates in the water.
    Quote Originally Posted by MsMin View Post
    If I had a choice between a recycled paper cup and dish washing liquid I would use the cup.
    I would use the recycled paper cup, too, if I knew it was for environmentally friendly reasons.
    However, this does not appear to be the case.
    Additionally, WDW has stated that they are replacing mugs with styrofoam cups.

    Styrofoam cups are harmful to the environment when the are PRODUCED and when they are shipped to a LANDFILL (which is what happens in Orlando).

    There is also a significant amount of evidence that styrofoam cups do harm people that use them, especially when warm liquid is being consumed from them.

    I KNOW how strongly you feel about phosphates, and maybe liquid dish soap is not the answer. But for me, personally, I am opposed to the use of styrofoam - not only in WDW, but in all other places as well. I want a good green earth for my children to grow up in; and I'm scared for their future at times... Your argument about phosphates frightens me even more.
    Quote Originally Posted by MsMin View Post
    I just don't think (and hope)that everything is to save a dime b/c WDW is far above the rest w/ managing the environment and are watched very closely. If you want to look at waste how about all the flyer's they produce every week! They waste tons of paper just to let you know when the parade is starting or the fireworks..
    A few quick things:
    Most things at WDW are done with $$$ in mind. Don't think for a second that WDW doesn't toot their own horn whenever one of these reports comes out stating how "green" WDW is. They advertise THAT fact heavily - hoping to attract even a wider audience.
    I agree with you about the insane use of paper that is used down there weekly - they do try by using a large percentage of recycled paper, however.

    I'm on your side with the environment - it's just that I'm opposed to styrofoam as much as you are to phosphates.

    DVC Owner

  7. #66
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  8. #67
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    Default Phosphates?

    Good grief! Disney doesn't care about phosphates.

    Disney wants to slap Mickey's smiling face on "Environmetality" cards reminding you the help by using the same towel over and over.

    The next time you see one of these cards I challenge you to walk around the room you're staying in and count the incandescent bulbs. Then take that number and multiply it by the number of rooms at WDW.

    Hey Mickey! How about I agree to use the same towels for a week and you take 50 cents off my bill. Wow, that way Disney uses less phosphates and water and I save 50 whole cents. That's swell! No? Scrooge McDuck says you can't make that deal?

    I swear, people who believe every change WDW makes is for the good of the guests or the environment or some other noble reason must be putting pixie dust in their coffee... in their styrofoam cups.

  9. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goes4FastPass View Post
    I swear, people who believe every change WDW makes is for the good of the guests or the environment or some other noble reason must be putting pixie dust in their coffee... in their styrofoam cups.
    I agree 100%

    99.9% of the changes Disney makes are to increase their profit margin. No if's, and's. or but's about it. The 0.1% that deal with environmental issue or guest satisfaction seem to come from bad press that they are afraid will hurt their profit margin. Do you really think Disney cared about what Trans Fats were doing to their guests before it became a hot topic on the news? Disney use to poison birds to keep the population down until the story leaked out and they changed their practices to appease the Animal Rights groups. We all must remember Disney is a profit driven company with shareholders to answer to. I know since we all love Disney this reality is difficult to face but it's true. So if you want to believe this change has to do with cutting phosphates in the water realize it's just a spin Disney will put on it after the fact. It's nothing more than a way to save them a few bucks.
    Jeff (aka JPL)
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  10. #69
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    Guys and gals we are slipping a little off topic here - this is not a general environmental discussion or on Disney profit making but simply about what it means to us to have the mugs/glasses removed. Most of the views about why they may have done this (cost cutting / bad publicity) have already been aired and the pros and cons on the environmental front of styrofoam and phosphate issues are getting a bit deep.

    Please try not to get over excited but please do report back any new responses from Disney that you may get about this.

    Thank you
    INTERCOT staff - DVC, Characters, Collectibles and Games

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  11. #70
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    Thanks, Mikki, for keeping us on the straight and narrow...

    I'm not at all happy with this decision. I avoid styrofoam like the plague. I won't buy coffee served in it and we're even campaigning at work (a company with over 40,000 people in the Americas) to stop buying styrofoam cups altogether and to use mugs or recycled paper cups; this should be achieved by the end of the calendar year. As for the phospates contained in dishwashing liquid, there are many suppliers for non-phosphate containing brands: Method, Seventh Generation, Melalueca, etc. If they can get fancy toiletries from H20, they can also get a complete line of eco-friendly cleaning solutions, many of which are far more cost effective than the brands many of us use on a regular basis.

    Like Mikki, I won't be bringing mugs from home but I always buy some while I'm there anyway. And just like when I used to stay at moderate hotels, I guess I'll have to start bringing a small bottle of dishwashing liquid as well. Gee, I thought I bought into DVC so I DIDN'T have to do that anymore!
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  12. #71
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    I've read through all of the posts and don't think anyone has mentioned...how does one wash the carafe for the coffee maker if there is no dishwashing liquid???? Are they removing the coffee makers as well? I guess my bottom line is that when we purchased DVC we purchased a certain level of accomodations and the niceties that go with it. If they want to remove the mugs and glasses and dishwasing soap, then they should reduce the number of points it takes to stay in a studio...or drop our anuual dues. Remember we pay for housekeeping and bussing and maintenance, etc with our dues.

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  13. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by btuskan View Post
    I've read through all of the posts and don't think anyone has mentioned...how does one wash the carafe for the coffee maker if there is no dishwashing liquid???? Are they removing the coffee makers as well?
    I touched on it back on page one.

    Quote Originally Posted by TiggTigg5 View Post
    As for myself, I fully intend to trash every disposable cup in my future stays after exactly one use, even if it's a little sip of water, and drive the front desk and housekeeping folks nuts (even though this certainly is not their fault) demanding immediate replenishment of our supply. And demanding a fresh coffee carafe between every pot we brew (we drink a LOT of coffee, and bring our own grounds) because they no longer supply dishwashing lotion.

    I have no idea how they're going to clean the carafes; I suppose Mousekeeping will bring dish liquid with them, or else the carafe will just get swished out with plain water.
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  14. #73
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    Maybe we can all go to the gift shop and buy some nice glasses and mugs and return them at the end of our stay

    As for the coffee Carafe I have no idea how I will clean it. I really don't want carry anything more than I have to WDW and if I bring dish liquid with me it will just be a waste since I will throw it out at the end of my stay I am certainly not going to carry it home. Not exactly promoting "Green" and Environmentallity is it.

    I also mentioned the changed to my brother who is not happy either.

    Still waiting for responses from DVC
    Jeff (aka JPL)
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  15. #74
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    Here's the "form letter" response via email that I just received this morning:
    Dear Frank,

    Thank you for contacting Disney Vacation Club Member Services.

    We appreciate your message. Based on the nature of your comments, I
    have forwarded your message to our Member Satisfaction team for further

    review. You may expect to be contacted again with regard to your
    message within 5 business days.

    Thank you again for writing.



    Member Services | Online Communications
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    Interested to see what they say "within 5 business days."
    No responses yet from Jim Lewis or Iger...

    DVC Owner

  16. #75
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    They send everything to Member Satisfaction they figure it's pass the buck time
    Jeff (aka JPL)
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  17. #76
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    I'm joining late, so forgive me for playing catch-up with some of my comments here ...

    I'd say the reason they're making this change is obvious. They're trying to push people to book 1BR's and up so their points don't go as far. They're locked into the points they're charging, so they only way to reduce the number of stays people get for their points is to try and drive them to the higher end rooms.

    My issue with this is simple (and I'm kinda surprised no one else has mentioned it ... or if they did I missed it) ... as DVC "owners" shouldn't WE get to decide whether or not this change takes place?? Did we vote on this and I missed it??

    That's why I think it must be something other than a cost savings issue. If it was that, wouldn't the choice really have been, "Hey, you we can remove glasses from the studios or we can raise your dues. Which do you want?"

    There's no way it's being done out of any kind of health concern ... that's absurd. If that was the case, don't you think they'd remove them from ALL the properties and not, coincidentally enough, just the lower-points ones?

    See, this is the stuff I worried about before I joined. That Disney would find creative ways to nickel and dime us.

    Although, to be fair and honest about it, it's not much of an issue for us right now. With a family of 4, we always opt for a 1BR or better. But then again, who knows if the 1BR's are next??
    Ian ºOº
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  18. #77
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    Actually I thought about how convinient it was to annouce this after the Member Meeting as well. That's why I took it as a cost cutting measure. I guess I got too caught up in the cost cutting vs environmental reasons to post it
    Jeff (aka JPL)
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  19. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
    I'm joining late, so forgive me for playing catch-up with some of my comments here ...

    I'd say the reason they're making this change is obvious. They're trying to push people to book 1BR's and up so their points don't go as far. They're locked into the points they're charging, so they only way to reduce the number of stays people get for their points is to try and drive them to the higher end rooms.

    My issue with this is simple (and I'm kinda surprised no one else has mentioned it ... or if they did I missed it) ... as DVC "owners" shouldn't WE get to decide whether or not this change takes place?? Did we vote on this and I missed it??

    That's why I think it must be something other than a cost savings issue. If it was that, wouldn't the choice really have been, "Hey, you we can remove glasses from the studios or we can raise your dues. Which do you want?"

    There's no way it's being done out of any kind of health concern ... that's absurd. If that was the case, don't you think they'd remove them from ALL the properties and not, coincidentally enough, just the lower-points ones?

    See, this is the stuff I worried about before I joined. That Disney would find creative ways to nickel and dime us.

    Although, to be fair and honest about it, it's not much of an issue for us right now. With a family of 4, we always opt for a 1BR or better. But then again, who knows if the 1BR's are next??
    Ok, I would really wonder about folks spending more points just to get a mug and a glass. I really do not see how taking mugs/glasses away is going to make people want to spend the points for a one bdrm. We are always looking for ways to get the most out of our points as I would assume most members are.

    I also really doubt that DVC will take away mugs/glasses, etc from the units with full kitchens. That would make NO sense at all.
    ~Lisa aka Tinkermom

    DVC Member since 05/01

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  20. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tinkermom View Post
    That would make NO sense at all.
    Please remember we are talking about Disney

    Pass the buck is in full swing I got my response from Member Services can't believe it took this long to say sorry we can't help so moving it along to someone else who can't

    Dear Jeffrey,
    Thank you for contacting Disney Vacation Club Member Services. We appreciate your message. Based on the nature of your comments, I have forwarded your message to our Member Satisfaction team for further review. You may expect to be contacted again with regard to your message within 5 business days. Thank you again for writing.
    Todd Member Services
    Online CommunicationsDisney Vacation Club
    Atleast now we know someone besides Larry works there.
    Jeff (aka JPL)
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  21. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
    There's no way it's being done out of any kind of health concern ... that's absurd. If that was the case, don't you think they'd remove them from ALL the properties and not, coincidentally enough, just the lower-points ones?
    That's what I thought too, except then I realized that they don't necessarily wash the glasses in the regular rooms -- they replace them with "clean" ones. And in the 1- and 2-bedrooms with dishwashers, the housekeepers can just throw in the dishes, but they can't do that in the studios (and apparently they don't). So this might just be some sort of stop-gap.

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