Today on Dr. Laura's radio show, she said no one should take their kids out of school for a family vacation to WDW. Now, I don't want to bash Dr. Laura here. I have a lot of respect for her, even if she is a little rough on people at times. My problem is this--we're taking our kids out of school for a week this September to go to WDW. My sister is on the school board in her town, and has told me not to do this either. (She's never been there.) She says her school superintendant says they have a real problem with kids missing school because of WDW trips.
What I want to know is if you guys think this is wrong or right. Ya, I know it's educational. My boys will be in 3rd and 6th grade when we go. I know I could never do this when they are older. And the first month (so I'm told) is mostly review from the previous year. They are good students and get good grades. I'm going to tell the teachers from day one that we are going, and get homework if they'll let me. Will they fall behind? I would really love to hear from any teachers out there who are also WDW fans. And I know there are alot! How DO teachers feel about kids leaving school to go to WDW?!?!? Thanks anyone for your imput!

Barbruka 74,77,82,87,95, offsite
99 DXL
Next trip Sept. 2001

"I am there everyday in my heart and in my memories."

[This message has been edited by Barbruka (edited January 25, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Barbruka (edited January 27, 2001).]