OK, I'm not looking for shortcuts of any type, I swear.

My dad will be undergoing chemo this spring into early fall. We're hoping to sneak in a long weekend in between treatments for him in either late spring or fall if he's up to it. (We're going to find the most moderate weather possible in our travel window time)

He really wants to have another family vacation, and we want to make it as easy as possible. We've been to Disney countless times, so it isn't a huge deal that he do the rides, he just wants to be there with us.

Other than booking a hotel on the monorail line, or close to the boat docks at Y&B/BW/S&D, and other than renting a scooter when we're at the parks, are there any tips or suggestions for traveling with someone who is dealing with these kinds of things?

Just wondering if anyone knows of any resources.


[ February 18, 2005, 07:53 PM: Message edited by: DisnIse ]