Had a chocolate Croissant at the food court of POR. walking to lobby to call for shuttle for National rental car planned for trip to Universal. people were watching the TV in the lounge which is when I found out about the tragedy. I stood & watched it w others. when they showed the 2nd tower collapsing there was sobs & crying. we were in shock. a few people around me were supposed to fly home that day. announcements were made as to closings of airports, parks. schools there were open. Kennedy Space Center closed. local tolls ware waived.
I stayed around the hotel that day watching tv. Disney left a message on phone telling about movies being shown at hotel & characters appearing. Germans from the international CMs helped by juggling & working at the store that day.
It was terrible watching what happened.
My sister was supposed to take my 7 yo nephew to NY that day for taping of the show he's on, "Third Watch". Thank goodness they didnt go.
Many people were in the lounge at 8:30. people shuused when President Bush came on the TV & applauded after his speech, united by the tragedy.
later a piano player was playing in the lounge & I heard Auld Lang Syne as I walked by.
I got garlic sticks (only OK) & pizza at the food court that night.
It rained again. I walked around the pool & fishin hole but didnt do much that day. It wasnt a day to have fun.

several trips as kid.
twice w wives (offsite & Diz village) 86? & 96
alone ASM 99
Sept 01. CBR,POR & SwanWe go on... to the joy and through the tears
We go on... to discover new frontiers
Moving on... with the courage of the years
We go on... moving forward now as one
We go on... with a spirit born to run
Moving on... with each rising sun to a new day..."