Hammer- The Solo Tour- Day 4, pt. 1

Woke up at 7:15 am today. Showered and got ready and decided to go to the Magic Kingdom to ride the rides I could not do during the E-night tonight. I arrived at the Castle at about 8:50 and wait in the Castle pathway for the rope to drop in Fantasyland. Seems Ian (Wdwacky) saw me and was calling my name, but I was oblivious . In my defense, I was trying to hear the opening speech over the crowd! Well once they let us through, I decided to do Peter Pan first. Who is getting off the ride as I am about to go on? Ian! He said he would talk with me after my ride. Ride was great, as usual. Afterward, I visit with Ian and his family and take pictures of their group with various cameras. I am not a really good photographer, but I hope I got everyone in the picture and they are in focus! We parted ways, saying we would see each other tomorrow night, if not sooner (it was sooner).

A bit of background before I go on. One of my earliest memories of WDW was being scared to death on Snow White when I was 4 (my only bad memory). My parents have no memory of this event. Ever since then, I did not ride Snow White’s Scary Adventures, even after I was much older and I knew better. Well, last trip my sister says she will ride the Haunted Mansion (similar story, different ride), if I will ride Snow White. We never got around to it last year, but I said I would hold up my end of the bargain this year.

Anyway, next stop Snow White’s Scary Adventures. No line. I wanted to get proof I did ride, so I asked one of the CM’s if they could take my picture in the ride vehicle, but she couldn’t, so I did break a WDW rule. I took a picture in the ride. I know this is a no-no, but I made a point to take only one picture, it was at the very end of a room and I took the picture as I was about to leave the room with the witch over the door. I tried to be as courteous as possible about it. It wasn’t my first choice.

So, then I ride IASW (my Mom asks us to ride it for her every trip) and head over to Adventureland. BTW, Winnie the Pooh was closed for most of this week, so I did not get to ride it this time (rode it last year). Went and got in line to ride Jungle Cruise (my sister’s favorite). I had a great skipper, so the ride was great. Some of his jokes: (As we pass the butterflies) “Those butterflies are Plasicus South Amiericus. They are native to your South American Wal-Mart.” (When the elephants roar) “Again! Once more! Now, in espanol!”(by the crocodiles) “Women and children to the front of the boats! Men, let head to the back! (to a little girl, about 7-8 years old) Your in charge now!”

After Jungle Cruise, I head to POTC, which is my childhood favorite. No line and the ride was great once again. Decided to not do the Tiki Room this year, so I walk over to Liberty Square and do the Haunted Mansion. I forgot how much I like this ride! Then I head over to Tomorrowland. Space Mountain has a 25 minute wait, so I grab a fast pass for about 35 minutes later. Surprisingly, a short line at Buzz, so I give it a whirl. I am still horrible at this ride and can’t get past Ranger, 1st Class. After I take a ride on the TTA. Now it was FP time for Space Mountain. I know this is a part of E-night, as is Haunted Mansion, but I never get over to Liberty Square during E-night and I figure to ride Space Mtn. now as I am riding all the family favorites and this is Dad’s. I enjoy the ride, but it really is very bumpy!
It is now 11:00, so I go on COP. I must have really good luck, as I haven’t had it break down when I have ridden. I really love this ride and hope they keep it around! Decide to grab a quick lunch at Cosmic Ray’s before heading back to WL. I have never eaten here before. What a fun place and the price really isn’t that bad. I bought a Chicken Caesar salad and a Diet Coke and it was about $8.50, which is comparable to prices at home. The salad was really good size and had a lot of chicken in it.

Head to the boat for WL, as the DVC shuttle was picking me up at 12:15. I get there close to on time (about 5 minute late), but the shuttle driver was great about it. Found out on the drive over that he was from the Philly suburbs (Bensalem), so we talked Philly sports. I met with the gentleman from DVC (happened to be the same one wendy*darling had). Explained that I wasn’t able to buy today, but was looking to buy in about a year or so, depending on finances. I really like the whole program , though and will probably buy into it. He took me on the tour. I absolutely love the Boardwalk Inn and Villas! I think it is now near the top of my list of where to stay next!

After we are done, the driver takes me back to Wilderness Lodge. I decide to take a nap and rest up for e-night tonight. First, though, I made a 5:45 PS for Artist Point.

Christine ºoº

[This message has been edited by Hammer (edited June 13, 2001).]