This was published a while back.. I think its time for a reprint...

How to turn the All Stars into the Grand Floridian:

Okay, we all know you can't "turn" it into something that it is not, but here are some tips from someone who has done both.

(1) The Deluxes all have ceiling fans to circulate the air. The All Stars did not. While all the local stores have personal fans, try to find a fan by Honeywell called the Super Turbo High Performance fan - the one that is about 12 inches high. Bring it with you (it fits very nicely in your luggage). Once in the room, but it in the corner over by the window on the floor and turn it on medium - it circulates the air very nicely, and the soft whirl of the fan gives you a little white noise for sleeping. Other fans may work just as well, this is the one I took, and it worked very well.

(2) Go to your local discount store and buy one of those cheap white things that hang over
the shower head. This will now free up some space on your sink counter that is smaller
in size then the GF - but with some space freed up, you actually have more room.
If you get a real cheap one, you can leave it there, and you will not be out much. Also, by one of those extra plugs, that plug into the outlet and makes it three plugs instead of one. I was able to use my hairdryer, heat up my curling iron, and still leave in the nightlight that I had plugged in. Speaking of nightlights, bring a cheap one and plug it in - makes for not having to feel your way in the dark during the middle of the night.

(3) While I'm on the subject of bathroom and that cheap white thing, go to your local bath
and body store, and buy some really nice smelling bath gel (GF uses GRAPEFRUIT in
their spa) - now you can put this container in your while thing and have really nice
smelling bath gel like you go at GF. Also go treat yourself and buy a nice bottle of
shampoo and conditioner that you normally would not buy. Also, get one of those
$1.25 nylon bathroom puffs. Oh yes, bring a small sewing kit (one of those travel
ones). You now have the bathroom of a deluxe resort (and then some) You probably
have spent about $30.00 for number 2 and 3. Only think missing is the extra sink - that one I can't help with LOL!

(4) Now you can not manufacture space in your room, however, if you take one suitcase,
and turn it upright and place it between the wall and the pillows on the bed, you can
consumed space that really is "dead" space in the room any way. With these two
suitcases out of the way, you can created the illusion of space. Any other suitcases?
Place then on under the sink area, which is pretty "unused" space in the room also. Also, the GF does have more "room" space, but they fill it up with that daybed, and frig (bar) So, I really think it you look at "walkable" floor space, the rooms are probably almost the same size!

(5) When you check in, ask for an iron and ironing board to be delivered. Now you are on
the same level as a deluxe. You both have an iron and board.

(6) Drawer space - you can create the illusion of more space - when you pack, go get the 2 gallon pastic bags at your grocery. Put a shirt/pants/underwear/socks for that day (or time of day) in one bag. Now when you unpack, take the bags out, and put the bags in a drawer per person, - there are 6 drawers, so we even had one to put used clothing in one.

(7) Now, there is no way under the sun you can make a double bed into a queen bed,
HOWEVER, when I walked to my room on check in day, they did have several roll-
away beds outside of rooms, so they do have them - ask for one (I'm sure there is an
extra charge, but still much cheaper than a deluxe rate). When the bed is not being used,
fold it up and place it next the sink area (the one under the closet area). This can make a
bed a little bigger if you have one less person sleeping in it.

(8) Treat yourself to a cab once during your stay - try using it the day you go to DD, or stay very late at the parks. Even the $15.00 is not going to reach the cost of the deluxe.

(9) Need a paper delivered everyday? I noticed as I walked around the resort that certain rooms had a paper delivered - check at the desk when you check in. I did not this time, but I plan on it next time. I'm sure there is a small charge - but not enough to justify the higher cost of the resort. If not, as you go get your morning coffee in your refillable mug, the paper is right there, and its only 50 cents a day.

(10) Need a slide or a diving board at your pool? Don’t go to the GF(!) it does not have one, and neither did the ALL STARS. Yes, GF did have a hot tub, but, I can pay for a
25 minute massage at the GF Spa, and get to use their hot tub at the spa, get a massage, and still have money in my difference of room cost account.

(11) Room noise - I did not hear a single sound from above me, or beside me. I did not hear a sound in the GF or Contemp - however, I have read a trip report recently about someone in a deluxe that shared moments of their honeymoon nightly. I'm not sure if the whirling of the fan helped, or if the rooms are more "sound proofed", but we went to bed early each night, and never heard a peep at all.

Bottom line - if you have three of less people in a room, in my personal opinion, go for the ALL STARS. Square footage versus charge, the more money is not worth it. If you have 4 it might be a tighter fit, and if you were considering a deluxe because you have 4 - unless you can get a really good price deal at a deluxe, I'd pay for two connecting rooms at the ALL STARS - you'd still come out ahead in costs.

Want to know the price difference? I started out at the Poly concierge - I am now currently at the ALL STAR SPORTS as of yesterday - I hope to get this changed to MUSIC, but if not, I'll check out the SPORTS for you. Now that I have done both, if it is just Ali and I - we will always stay at the value resort - and never pay that higher charge! Cost difference was over $3500.00 for my stay. I now have a large credit on my account…

Ali's Mom
Intercot Staff Member
[email protected]

Up Next: Shades of Green : June 2ºoº1 - See you at the Intercot Meet!

If prayers were horses, I'd be riding into the sunset....