While Rumours and informal announcements of a name change for Walt Disney World's 3rd theme park have been circulating for sometime, the first Rumour specifically pointing to a selected name has begun some circulation.

Of a list of seemingly surreal names circulated from a reported survey, it is now being rumoured that Disney Cinemagine Park has been selected as the new name for Disney's Hollywood Studios park as part of the larger overhaul project.

While the name selection is still far from confirmed, a more concrete expectation is that the change will likely happen May 2018 around the park's anniversary and just ahead of the first major phase on the park's re-imagining--Toy Story Land.


On a personal note, if the park isn't re-named Disney Hollywood Adventure park; I think it would be a big miss. The symmetry with its essentially sibling park on the west coast (Disney California Adventure park) could help build a more recognizable brand and blueprint like the "castle" parks do (the "theater" parks?). Likewise having Carthay Circle Theater and the Chinese Theater as the two icons of the two parks would be nice parallels to two very important theaters (and eras) in Disney Movie history.