I should premise today by mentioning we don't have kids. I sort of assumed Spring Break for most kids was later this year since Easter was late. I was wrong

We were up early (we are up at 6 everyday so we just don't sleep in.). We got ready pretty relaxed and drove over to Animal Kingdom about 45 mins before opening. We parked in Dinosaur (I'd never parked that far out before rope drop.). We rode the shuttle in and found that the security and ticket area was very well organized. We were able to walk pretty far in (across the first bridge) to wait for rope drop. Even getting there as early as we did we waited about 40 mins for a first thing ride on the Safari. I will say we were rewarded with one of the best ones I have ever been on. Lots of animals and so many of them were super close. Leslie said "I could have touched a rhino today!" .

After this we had FP for Dinosaur and Everest and did the jungle trek in the back. Tigers and Kimono dragon were both inside due to cold and not available so we saw...bats. Next it was a viewing of Tough to be a Bug (hubs still jumps when he gets stung ha ha!). Then it was time for our last FP of the morning on the Safari again. As soon as I scanned our bands I went online to make a FP for MK (which is where we were headed later in the day.). That's when I realized we had a problem. There weren't any. Like none. Ok there were some for Stitch, Tea Cups and that was it. I knew then that MK wasn't going to be a good idea. I checked around and on a fluke got FP for 1:00 for RnRC at the Studios. Since we were headed there the next morning without FP and noticing how busy it was I thought I should grab it. (Good thing because it was the only time I saw them available our entire trip for that ride.).

Then we had a little problem though, it was 12:20 when we finished our Safari, no time to eat at AK and we hadn't eaten all day. So we stopped at the Disney McDonalds on our drive to the Studios. Wow what a rip off, I thought at least it would be a cheap meal...ha. Combos are about twice the price as at home. But it was quick and we made to the Studios, through security and in and to RnRC 10 mins before our FP expired. After that I grabbed a FP for Great Movie ride which Les has only done once (and was 50 mins standby) so another thing to check off our list. By then we couldn't get any more FP and the place was mobbed so we drove back to the Wilderness Lodge.

We relaxed, still too cold for the pool, and had some cocktails and had to handle some work issues. We headed back out with some to-go drinks and followed yesterdays path to Contemp by boat and then thankfully to the Poly via monorail with no issues what so ever. We checked in for our 8:00 Ohana ADR and waited...and waited...and waited. And got drinks...and waited. At almost 9 we were seated. We were in the middle of the room but at a 4 person table so we could both face the windows and see Wishes. Dinner was very good. Everything came in good time, was tasty and hot and we had no problem requesting some medium rare beef and some A1 for my steak guy. It's a win-win meal for us.

We felt like the transport gods were still on our side and we monrailed back to Contemp and very quickly got a boat back to WL. It was very speedy (and not as cold!) A fairly accomplished day even with the crowds.