Hey Intercotees,

Like many of you I am a great wealth of knowledge when it comes to planning WDW trips. Universal however... not a clue. Maybe a sliver of a clue, but in the general area of cluelessness. So... help me!

Solo trip, just me - 40ish adult male
3 nights/3 full days
Want to stay on property - all hotels are in my price range.
Can rent a car, but prefer not to. Transportation options from MCO?
Want good pool/bars/restaurants.
DO all 3 days at Universal or 2 there and one at Sea World? (never been)
Should I book through MJ like I do with Disney? Are there advantages with them booking Universal like there is with Disney? I love MJ and my agent, but she hasn't booked Universal in years.

I want/need your ideas. So, if you were to go to Universal for yourself for 3 days and 3 nights where would you stay and what would you do? The dates are set, so I don't need help there; going Thurs-Sat of Mothers' Day weekend.

I am an empty vessel. Fill me up with your Universal knowledge.

Thank You,

Evan - aka DisneyDINK