Hello All,
Maybe I'm just an old man but
Seems WDW has changed a lot and not for the better.

Due to my work (professional magician) my beautiful little family (DW and DS 14 yrs old) doesn't see me much of October and December. To make up for lost time I used to take us for a week to WDW in January. Lower crowds and getting out of the cold
Went in January every year from 2010 to 2014 plus other trips through the years

Started to try to plan a trip for this year as we didn't go last year but much has changed.

Extra magic hours have been reduced and moved around (Sunday late hours at MK fit our schedule perfect, I'd drive through Saturday night while they slept, check in, I'd sleep a few hours and go to MK late for extra hours our first night)

Animation station has closed (we very much enjoyed drawing with Disney Artist and sometimes would do four sessions in a row), that doesn't leave a whole lot in Disney Studios to do (we don't ride TOT)

Downtown Disney is changing and hope the specialty stores don't go away.

Maelstrom has closed

The Disney company has made business decisions regarding long time staff I personally don't agree with. My thousands of dollars on one vacation mean nothing to the company in the larger picture but I don't know if I want to support Disney by spending my $ there.

There are other changes I'm not recalling right now but it feels like the magic is fading, don't know if we can recapture or create the wonderful, magical vacations we had. We have amazing collages of trips we took as a family decorating our walls, pictures we drew and pictures the Disney Artist drew (we have been given a few by the artist at the end of the session)

Universal isn't really attractive to us with the exception of the Harry Potter portion of the parks.

Anyone else have similar misgivings?

If so how are you dealing with them if you could please share.