Today is our last day at Disney, then we move on to Universal. We are up a little earlier than usual so that we can bring our luggage to the bell service to be stored for the day. I am going to miss the French Quarter, I really loved the feel of the place.

The bus..........didn't wait too long for it to come, but it was the worst of all the rides since we had been there. First of all it was down right freezing on the bus...uncomfortably cold. We had a trainee driver and his supervisor had a big heavy coat on (keep in mind it was 95 degrees outside and she had to wear a coat)...Then found out we had to stop at one of the waterparks on the way to AK....So what we had was a very cold bus, a slow trainee driver, and an extra stop. Mary plays soccer outdoors all through the year, she never complains about the weather because she is used to hot and cold, she was shivering and saying that she couldn't wait to get off of the bus. I felt the same.

Today is the Animal Kingdom with Fast Passes for Dinosaur, Expedition Everest, and the Safari. One thing Mary did remember from her last trip was Dinosaur, it was her favorite ride back then. She still loves it and we rode 4 times. Did It's Tough to be a Bug and she also enjoyed that. A couple of years ago me and my husband splurged and did the Wild African Trek Tour, it was and still is a highlight in my Disney memories. After that the regular Safari just didn't excite me much, but for some reason this trip was great. First of all I could understand what the tour guide was saying. He took his time and stopped in a lot of places. He was not in a hurry and took time to share his knowledge of the animals. I think it was probably the best regular Safari tour I have taken. Mary loved the fact that the animals where so close and took a lot of good pictures thanks to the driver stopping long enough to get a good shot. Now onto EE. This was going to be the biggest coaster, as far as I know, that Mary has even been on. She loved it! I rode with her twice and then she rode two times alone....due to the backwards motion two times is my limit. This now replaced Splash Mountain as her favorite. With poncho in hand we made our way to Kali River Falls....Mary didn't want hers so I doubled up. haha....Again I have not been on this for probably 10 years. It was fun and we rode it twice.

I didn't make ADR's for lunch and planned on Pizzafari, but it was closed, so Mary decided on the Rainforest Café. It was 12:30 and thought we would have a long wait.....No one was there and we sat right down. Mary actually had pasta today and I had a salad. She also had two milk shakes. Lunch was good.

A lot of construction was going on at the AK (which I understand) but I think because there were so many walls making the walkways in some parts narrow, it took away from the theme of the park.

Mary did not want to do any of the shows so we left the park around 4:00 and headed back to the FQ to get our luggage.

Bell service got our bags quickly and got a taxi for us....Some observations...the taxi was a very small car which looked almost new, there were only two of us so we had plenty of room...Bell service put our bags in the trunk and the cab driver never even got out of the cab to attempt to help. I noticed some filled plastic bags in the trunk already. I tipped the bell person for the help and we made the 20 min ride to Universal. BTW the cab was a pre set fee of $35 which I though was a good price. When we got to Universal the cab driver again did not step out of the cab and only popped the trunk for the Universal Bell Service to take over. This annoyed me a little. The Universal person took our bags out and started to take the filled plastic bags out too and the cab driver still didn't get out of the cab but just yelled "yo dude those are mine". I only gave the cab drive a $5 tip and that was only because I was feeling generous.

You can follow the rest of our trip on the Universal forum.