Just a little vent. DH and I are ready for our own place. We had been renting for a few years, then we moved in with his mom to mutually save a little money after I lost my job and DH's dad and grandpop passed away. Along the way, we had a baby, MIL got promoted to full time and DH also got a promotion, so we no longer "need" the arrangement financially and in all honesty, it's run it's course on our end. Still, we have a limited budget and have now looked at everything currently available in our price range in our desired areas. I am one of those people that once I decide to do something, I want it done. I have already started packing up little things around here, but everything we've seen is either too much of a fixer-upper, or has one or two things that are just total deal breakers (like no storage, an upstairs that makes you feel like you are Alice in Wonderland who took the pill that turns you into a giant, a kitchen from the 1920s, leaky roof and the list goes on. One reeked so bad of dog hair and cigarette smoke we all got headaches. The smell penetrated every crevice) . So far after speaking to our friends it seems like it's not that unusual for it to be a long process, but I guess I was just hoping we'd get lucky and find something more quickly. So, for now, I'm singing the house hunting blues. And I'm sure once we find something I'll be singing the home owner's blues, haha, but at least it will be our own place.