My son David is 8 years old. He has some struggles in life. He has Autism, ADHD, Sensory Integration Disorder, anxiety, and asthma.
For the last month he has been getting unexplained bruising on his abdomen, chest, and back. Not small ones but big 2-4 inch ones with knots. And he's been getting 3 or 4 nose bleeds a week. Sometimes a couple daily.
I took him to his pediatrician who immediately sent him to the hospital for rushed blood work.
Initial blood results are in. I'm not going to lie. I'm kind of freaking out. The doctor called and referred him immediately to a hematologist. His platelet count is "almost critical" she said, at 21,000. Normal count should be 140-400,000. Yikes!
So off we go Wednesday to Nemours in Orlando.

Naturally, this mama is worried sick. Praying a lot. And I know this sounds so "woe is me" because there are people who have much more on their plate in life.
I just feel like he already has so many challenges, and now we could be looking at a chronic blood disorder.

Any extra pixie and prayers, love and light you have would be so appreciated.
for David.