I want to do the 2016 Princess half. I am overweight and out of shape, sort of. But I have lost 50 lbs and have been working out pretty regular for the past year and a half but I haven't been challenging myself or pushing it. I was running/walking and up to 3 miles a day of mostly running with an additional 2 miles of walking at some point in the day. During this summer and fall I switched to biking and was biking 12 miles a day. But my run/walk pace is incredibly slow, although I can walk far. If I'm not really forcing myself I am at a 20 minute mile. Jeff Galloway has a training plan for beginners, before half training. I am going to start that but because it is much easier then what I do I am going to jump in about half way. Can I possibly get up to a 15 minute mile? I want to feel pretty sure of myself before I sign up and spend the bucks. So at registration time I'd really like to be able to hold 16 minutes for 7 miles.
Any advice. Is there a particular thread or message board for new half marathon trainees?