Morning Poly. Ok, this is weird, I wake up to kind of swollen lips. Not horribly so, they just look like I got collagen injections or something., and they look like I have lipstick on. What?? They don't bother me at all, they don't hurt or itch, but they are different for sure. I think I must have had an allergic reaction to something I ate at Boma the night before?? We all spend some time being slightly amused by my lips, and I oddly think this allergic reaction looks good on me, hahaa!!! They don't bother me, so we move on with the day. Breakfast in the lounge, then we drive over to DHS. We are excited for the weather today, it looks like it will almost hit 80 degrees and the sun is beaming down. This is an amazing treat for us. It has been very long since we could feel the warm sun, see green trees and beautiful flowers, we are all in a good space.

I was excited too, because I was able to switch an afternoon TSM fastpass to before lunch. Excellent. Checking and rechecking paid off. First up, fastpasses for the Frozen sing along. We are all feeling slightly awkward in line for this as we seem to be the only family without at least one little girl in tow. Heads up that if you have plans to do this, it takes up at least an hour of your day. The fastpass line was huge, we waited in that 15 mins, then another 20 mins in the theater before the show started, then the show itself was 1/2 hour long. This was making me edgy because I just wanted to be outside! And when the show started it seemed very childish, but it did get better and very entertaining as it moved along. Glad to see this new show, we would not repeat it though.

Next up was TSM fastpasses. I hold my band up to the mouse scanner, and nothing, it turns blue. Same for my husband. I spend time trying to tell them that we do have fastpasses, our bands JUST worked on Frozen. I attempt to show them by pulling up my plans on My Disney Experience, and the app won't load. 4 cast members gather around to hear my tale of woe. My kids bands worked, the CM's saw that, so they rigged it somehow, so mine and DH's worked too. They seemed suspicious the entire time. Then I was worried about the rest of our plans. What if I couldn't pull up the app? My mind got the best of me, but by the time we were ready to ride, the app eventually loaded and all of my future plans showed up. Whew!

After TSM we headed to Great Movie ride. It was a walk on. Ok, do they even have the cowboy scene anymore? In the past 7 years, in all of our multiple trips, we ALWAYS get the gangster scene. Always. My family doesn't even remember a cowboy scene nor do they believe me at this point!

Off to Sci fi for lunch. This is a must do for us. The movie clips make me all warm and fuzzy inside, never gets old to me. However, the food does. I just don't love the food there. And I'm not picky. I got the Salmon BLT, I couldn't find any bacon on it, but whatever, it's probably better I'm not eating bacon anyways, and the turkey sandwich my son had was pretty blah, DH thought his reuben was ok, and Khloe had the special burger of the day. It was some sort of eggplant parm burger and it could have fed all four of us. 100 dollars later we were on our way. (we had onion rings too, they were the best part of the meal!)

Ok, now it's beautiful out. The sun beckoned us, so we decided to head back to the Poly to relax. One last look at that sorry hat and we were on our way. We were passing the Trolley car Starbucks on the way out and they were recruiting people to be testers. Dang it, I just missed it. I have a soy latte obsession, so I was pretty bummed out. Plus, I wanted another mug.. Oh well, something to look forward to next time.

Back to the Poly, swimsuits on and off to the quiet pool! It is no longer a quiet pool while the Volcano pool is out of commission, so that was fun. Music, games, hula hoops. All the things I love. We played ball in the pool for almost an hour. We sunned, played with lizards, just relaxed, and felt awesome. Really awesome. Downtime at its best. We were out there for hours.

We headed inside to the lounge where they were holding a super bowl party! Wings, snacks, big screen TV etc...we watched some of the game, and didn't eat too much because next up was Ohanas!

I dragged us all away to get ready for Ohana's. Our most favorite place ever. Inside or outside of Disney. We were seated within 5 minutes. Window seat near fire cooking area. Woot woot! Let the feast begin. And it did, and it was amazing, and the peanut sauce and the yum!! The shrimp are the bombdiggety. The steak is almost raw though, it is so pink I couldn't handle it. Asking for some well done took it to the other extreme. It was like a test of tooth strength. It was burnt to say the least. Sigh. That wasn't good. But everything else was divine and the bread pudding pushed it over the top. Ok, not good. I felt more than slightly uncomfortable. I don't eat this way at home, and as much as I loved it, it didn't necessarily feel good to be this full. Ugh.

We decided to walk it off a bit, we headed on the path to Grand Flo. It was a beautiful walk, delightful really. We relaxed in the lobby a bit, explored Basin, then the boys headed to Mizners to watch the end of the big game. Khloe and I ducked in and out of the lounge there, but honestly, we don't care about it. It was fun tho, to be part of the energy of the crowd. After the game, we did the monorail loop back to the Poly. What a full day, what a great day. Night night Poly.