Im getting married in less than 2 weeks!!! So excited! I still have a lot to do (I still need to find shoes!!) but I’m slowing getting things done.

Im a little annoyed though. My brother lives in Ohio (I live in Florida) and he lets my parents (also in Florida) use an older car that he has so they don’t have to pay car payments. Well him and his fiancé are flying in for the wedding the Thursday before. He wants to use his car to get around town, show his fiancé the sights, etc. My mom asked me if I can pick her up from work since my brother will have his car. Its 2 days and the day before my wedding!!! She lives 45 minutes from her job and I live a half hour from her house (not factoring in traffic). I will be spending my evenings after I get off work taking her home instead of getting last minute things done for the wedding. I was planning on getting my nails done on Friday after I get off work but if I have to pick her up I can’t.

Am I being unreasonable by being annoyed at her request? I could always hurry up and get things done by the Wed before the wedding, and just get my nails done the morning of. Should I be a nice daughter and help her out? Or tell her that I would like to enjoy my experience as this is the first and last time I plan on ever having a wedding?