Let's say you're going down to WDW for a long weekend -- Thurs-Sun. This question concerns arrival day.

Choose Plan A or Plan B or Plan C

Plan A - wake up 4am, flight 6:30-9:50
Arrive at hotel (via Magical Express) 11-11:30
Hope your hotel room is ready
settle in, have lunch
head over to MK for Christmas Party at 4pm
back to resort (after a very long day) around 9 (no fireworks)
Park time: 4pm-9pm

Plan B - wake up 7am, flight 11:50-2:50
Arrive at hotel (DME) 4:00-4:30
Check in and head straight to MK
Arrive at MK 5:00ish, stay until 10:00 (see fireworks!)
Park time: 5/5:30-10:00

Plan C - wake up 4am, flight 6:30-9:50
Arrive at hotel (via Magical Express) 11-11:30
Check in, have lunch, then go to a park 12:30-8:00
(skip Christmas Party)

Which would you choose? I'm not keen on getting up at 4am (especially since I will probably be up late the night before) but I would rather get to WDW earlier than later.

And I would like to see the Christmas Parade, but the only day we can do the Party is our arrival day...

If we go with the later flight, we may miss some park time and won't have a chance to settle into our room until we get there around 10:30 pm.
