The big surprise was revealed over the weekend that we are taking the kids to Disney World in 3 weeks! We will be celebrating the girl's 9th birthday while there so we gave her the Magic Band box to open as an "early birthday gift" and since neither of them have been before she had no idea what they were until she noticed all our names are on them and Walt Disney World is printed on the outside of the box. She was probably happier about getting pulled out of school for almost a week, but then again she doesn't know what she's missing yet so I have a feeling once we're actually there she'll be much more into it.

Even though their reaction wasn't exactly what I was expecting (they get more animated when we tell them we're going to the movies!) they are really excited. We are just happy to let the mouse out of the bag so we don't have to worry about keeping it such a secret. It's been a struggle not to slip up since May! 19 days and counting!