I was at MK yesterday with a friend who had never heard the story of the Brides Ring at HM. So I tell the story with all the flair and drama it deserves- ending with "and here it will lay... Forever"
Imagine my surprise when I realized I was pointing at an empty spot where the ring had been obviously chiseled out of the concrete!
WHat the heck!
I asked a CM and we were told it had been missing for a few months and that they were all hoping it would be returned but she wasn't sure when and where it would be replaced. She didn't really indicate "who" had removed it... A jerk wad tourist or jerk was management
Does anyone know what happened to the ring?
I'm heart broken that it's gone. I love the HM- I live sharing all the fun facts and stories that abound about it...
If management removed it.. WHY?
If a tourist removed it.. How the heck did someone get away with the effort it took to get it out of the ground?
So upset :-(