Thought I would comment a bit on some of the rides at Universal, especially now that I've had the chance to go on Transformers 3D and Despicable Me. I really thought Despicable Me was fun and entertaining, my 21-y.o. son thought it was cute to do one time but not worth standing in a long line for (which there usually was). Transformers 3D was okay but somewhat underwhelming. Unless you are a rabid fan of the movies it feels kind of repetitive--enter scene, machine transforms into robot, tries to smash car, good robot beats back bad robot, wash, rinse, repeat. The young boy behind us was really getting into it, but it reminded me too much of the Spiderman ride, except not as colorful.

Mummy is still a great combination of visual effects and rollercoaster ride. If the new Gringott's Bank ride is anything like this I know it will be a hit. Love, love, love Forbidden Journey; I think I made my son go on it with me five times! And he rediscovered how much fun Dragon Challenge is, back from the days when it was Dueling Dragons.

Hulk was a blast although it was rougher than I remembered and Rip Ride Rockit was a little smoother than I remembered. We did our old favorites, Twister and Disaster, both nice attractions to escape the heat of the afternoon for a little while.

We even did the water rides on our last day, not caring that we would get wet at that point. I don't think we had done them in over ten years and it was a lot of fun, especially as we practically had the rides to ourselves (it was towards the end of the day).

So, what are your favorite attractions? And which ones do you think they should retire?