This trip report has been a month in making.

Listening to the podcast and John's story gave me the impetus to reflect.

Marathon Weekend 2014 was amazing. I look back and remember every detail and smile.

I want to thank everyone I met. Super Dave, Erin, Ben, Justin, Dawn, Melanie, Carol, the Girls from Canada, Nikki, and everyone else. You all were so welcoming, and I am glad to now call you my friend.

The Half Marathon was a challenge, but that challenge was met. I'll never look at the Castle the same way again.

Did I do a lot of amazing things? Yes. Am I grateful I did the half marathon weekend? Yes! Am I ready to do it again? Hell Yeah!

This weekend for me was about more than rides, meals, and fireworks.

Everything about the weekend was amazing, I can't wait for the next adventure.