I'm trying to figure out the best way to use my Disney Visa Rewards to pay for purchases I make during my upcoming trip. In the past, I've only had small amounts of Reward points to use so I typically just used the card whenever I would buy something.

I'm thinking it might be easier to just charge to my account via magic band and use the Reward points to pay for that bill. I already have the Reward Card in my possession. My question presents two options, which do you think is best?

1. Can I use the Reward points up front during check in to create a "credit" already on my account that will just be deducted for each purchase? Is this possible?

2. Should I just pay for the bill at the end using the Reward points? I've heard that you have to go the night before check-out to make sure this can be done properly.

I think option 1 might be easiest, but I want to make sure that I can do it that way.

Thank you!