Thank you so much for everyones support. My mom passed away this morning. I believe she is in a better place where there is no pain.

I would like to share her story. It is inspirational.

Mom was born in 1927 in the Ukraine. You might remember that the ukraine suffered a great famine. She talked about being 5 and searching the woods for things to eat. She was a wealth of knowledge. She knew more about flora and fauna than anyone. I am very lucky that she passed this passion for nature on to me. We walked through the meadows and woods almost every day that the weather allowed. She would tell me, "this is this and that is that". I love that scene in the Little Mermaid. It always reminds me of mom. She also talked about being 7 and walking about a mile to do some chores for a neighbor so she could milk their cow to bring it home for her little brother.
At the age of 12 she was taken from her family by the Nazis, put on a train full of other children and sent to a concentration camp. She was transfered to work with a family whose father was an officer. She says that they were kind and bought her shoes. But she still was their 'endentured help."
She met dad after the war. He was an american, in the army. His parents were both from the Ukraine and he spoke the language. They married in Saltzberg, Austria. After coming to the states they bought a farm in 1951. Dad died
In 1962. She never remarried. My brother joined the marines and both my sister and I went to college. I also went to grad school. We learned from her that it is important to persevier. You need to make the best of life and it is up to you to make it happen. Always cook enough to feed an army and take good care of your children. They are your most precious gift.
She was the best mom in the world.

Thank you for reading.