Short and sweet because the internet at POFQ is very slow tonight and we are just hitting the room around midnight!

We hit the ground running....showers, a few hours on our computers answering client emails, and a gourmet breakfast of powdered donuts in the room! Then....Kandy stormed the gates of Epcot, hitting the Food and Wine Festival store first for some serious shopping!

Then....a quick ride on Test Track and then it was time to EAT! OMG.....we hit Brazil, Argentina, and Australia as if we hadn't eaten in months! And...if you were following our contest on Facebook, No....we didn't drink word for that: EWWWWWW! However, after dazzling castmembers with our lovely shirts, we hit France! (fyi...believe it or not, Disney gave us those shirts last month at the Earmarked conference)

And just for the record....the KA portion of Kandy slurped her Grand Marnier slushie down much faster than the NDY half! In her was hot and we were dehydrated and Wendy was still trying to figure out how to take pix with her phone!

The rest of the day was spent meeting and greeting, listening to the British Revolution, taking in a few a/c'ed events and a wee bit more shopping!

The definite high point of the day was our contest! It was really great to see how well some people know us and how much fun people are having following our Shenanigans! Howver, for the record...our shopping and eating definitely was at a higher ratio than our "libation" consumption.

Tomorrow...or rather, later today lol....we are going to finish conquering Food and much food ( we have a very long "Must Eat" list) and so little time and, big some more shopping!