Dragongirlx (Ruth)
we are two twin sisters who grew up in Northern Ireland but now live in Scotland

Trip takes place from 31st August to the 11 September

We were up bright and early and luckily Jeniflowers headache had gone so we were prepared for the Magic Kingdom. Headed to the dock. There was a sign up saying that boats weren’t running but it turns out the wilderness lodger cast members were supposed to take this down but had forgotten. We were on the first boat and arrived just in time for the opening ceremony. Had to stand outside the turnstiles as it was crowded but we could still see very well. Once it was over we were let through. First experience of the new type of turnstiles – we were using a KTTW card as Wilderness Lodge didn’t have the magic bands yet. However it worked really well and we were through. The only issues I saw were when people didn’t put their fingers on the pad at the same time as holding the band/ card to the Mickey symbol.
We headed straight for the new Fantasyland as Jeniflower wanted to try the Little Mermaid ride. Unfortunately the ride was down so we headed to Peter Pan instead, then to Whinnied the Pooh and back to the Little Mermaid which was working again. I loved this and so did Jeniflower. One of those rides I could go on again and again. We then explored the new fantasyland for a bit. I have to say I love the tavern and the gift shop near enchanted tales. Wanted to buy all the beauty and the beast things but it would have meant leaving all my clothes behind. After that we wandered from Land to Land before lunch. Lunch was Cosmic Rays – cheeseburgers for us both. These were lovely as always. Then there was more wandering and shopping before staking out a spot for the parade.
This is when the day turned very hot. I love the heat but even I was getting too warm but we stuck it out and enjoyed the parade. It was only when we got back to WL that I realised I had managed to burn my shoulder, kept it covered for the rest of the holiday so it didn’t get any worse.
More wandering, riding and some shopping, including a dinglehopper for Jeniflower to brush her long red hair, and it was nearly time for dinner. Now Jeniflower had managed to get us reservations at Be Our Guest so we headed over to check in. The line to check in was long and there were 3 cast members there just to tell people that they wouldn’t get in without a reservation and stop people going up to the Castle.
Checked in and got given one of those buzzer things and after a short wait outside the castle it was time to go in. We were taken through the ball room which looks spectacular but were told that we would be eating in the West Wing. So very exciting, never seen Jeniflower look so happy. The West wing is lovely, the lights are dimmed, you can see the enchanted rose and hear the storm. It was really cool – especially when they announced the master of the castle and the Beast came in briefly to wave at us all. We were on the dining plan to it was an appetiser and dessert for us. I had the Pork Rack chop and Jeniflower had the chicken Provencal. Both were lovely and cooked perfectly, I especially enjoyed the macaroni cheese that came with mine. After we polished those off our server came back she took the dishes and asked if we were celebrating anything – no we aren’t we said. Sorry said the server let’s try that again – are you celebrating anything - I then caught on and said why yes this is our 8th time at Disney World, Jeniflower was confused but then the server brought out a dish of the gray stuff – what can I say it was delicious. For our actual dessert we both had the passion fruit puff which was lovely and since we were quite full from dinner nice and light. Feeling very stuffed and happy we headed out, taking a look at the library on our way out. We could have stopped to meet the Beast but the line was very long so we gave it a miss. Then it was back to ride some more rides, see some more shows before tiredness overcame us and we headed back to Wilderness Lodge