Anyone hear any rumblings about a new water show at AK?

I have seen pictures on several sites of pinkish floating devices in the water. Rumor has it that they're testing out the possibility of doing a water show in the vein of World of Color in Disneyland.

This makes sense because it could provide park closing entertainment without disrupting the animals. However, I am not sure how much there will be for guests to do in the dark otherwise - that is, until Avatar opens up.

My guess is that they would like to extend the park hours (more time you're in the park, the more money you spend). They could probably operate with less cast members because the actual animal attractions (for the most part) would be closed. Avatar presents a lot of nighttime beauty when you consider all of the glowing/light up plants from the movie which I am sure will be part of the landscape.

Avatar + nighttime show + Bugs Life + Dinosaur + Everest may = some extended hours in years to come?