So, long story short. I have an 18 year old, for several years now he's been surly, rude and disrespectful to me mostly but also to his older brother and father. I know he has a lot of anxiety but when I tried talking to him about it, he would tell me to F off, he doesn't have an attitude problem just a B for a mother etc. So tonight we go out to dinner, his brother, myself and himself. I try asking him questions about leaving for college in 2 weeks, who's going where, when they leave etc. It escalates as usual into him telling me to F off, "stop asking stupid questions etc" I end up telling the waitress to put his meal on a separate check. I told him I'm not paying for his meal, I'm not driving him home and he can find another place to spend the night. I'm done! I paid for myself and my older son and we left,left the 18 year old there.
Was I wrong?
I just can't take his attitude any longer.
I told him during the course of the very long dinner that I would not put up with his behavior because "women who put up with this have a name and it's called an abused woman, and I am not an abused woman, Good luck on your own, this is tough love, don't bite the hand that feeds you"
I feel what I did was the right thing, but I am worried about leaving him across town.
How would you handle an rude "adult"