I told my daughter I would post to see if anyone has any suggestions.
She has a definite "hidden disability" with POTS which falls under dysautonomia. She has good days and bad. Definitely better now that she is on the right meds and therapies. She attends martial arts and is in the marching band but they are all aware of what to watch for. Her biggest problem is heat and standing still in an upright position too long.
I am also concerned about her riding anything that throws off her equilibrium too much but we have been to Disney many times before she got sick so she knows the ropes.
We discussed what she might do if she suddenly feels sick. Worst case scenario is her passing out but she hasn't done that in a couple of years. She will be traveling with the Marching Band this spring break. We will be there too but staying separately and not right with her.
We are wondering about the appropriateness of her having a GAC for "just in case" or if she could wait to get one if she needs it but then I'm afraid it might be too late. I know this is ultimately our decision but any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you