I have been gone from here for so long and I am thrilled to be back. We will be in Disney from Dec 7-14 and we will be in a very large group of 13 wo it fell to me and my friend to make a couple of dinner rez. I have wanted to go back to Le Cellier since I was on the dining plan in April of '09 but when we went in December of 11 we couldn't get rez at any time for any amount of people because of the processional. I had about given up hope so when I called I was amazed that I got rez for 1 group of 6, a group of 4 and a group of three for all about the same time of 2:50. I just had to share that. The rest of the rez are as follows"

Dec 8 Le Cellier
Dec 10 - Kona
Dec 11 - 50's Prime Time

Very excited!