It is official... we are making the move to Florida.

I just called the movers to come on August 2nd. We leave on our journey on August 3rd.

I also made reservations for DDog Ginger at Best Friends for our on site stays. Now it is off to the Vet on Sunday for her booster shots and certificates.

Everything seems to be falling in place. We are more than half way packed. The house is looking like a maze with all the boxes. We went to AAA and got all our maps, tour books and trip-tik.

We will be in the Phoenix area for 2 nights, to visit relatives. Then when we reach San Antonio, TX, we will be there for a couple of nights staying with relatives.

Music is loaded on the iPods, portable DVD player and dvd's are ready. Trying to fit everything (scooter/walker, small luggage cases etc into my Rav4 may be tricky. I am hoping not to have to use my soft cargo carrier on the roof, unless I buy a hard/ mounted carrier.

I should be excited, but I am not yet. I know this will be a new life for us, but I really don't want to leave the comfort of a home that I have been in for a long long time. Time to move on and make new memories with just the 3 of us.