Quote Originally Posted by TheVBs View Post
Ok, so for the OP, I read your post a few times and unless I'm really misunderstanding, the CM was repeatedly trying to redirect your group seating so that the car would be properly filled, is that correct? Did anyone explain to him that you were trying to keep people with who they were seated with? Certainly, we expect that CMs will be in situations where they have to keep their cool, but if he was trying to fill the car and you weren't working with him or explaining what you'd hoped to do to him, how can you be surprised that he got a little frustrated? Possibly there were guests behind you who are now complaining on another board about the rude group of guests who held up the line because they wouldn't cooperate with the CM? Not taking a shot at you, just providing some perspective.
But see that was the thing, nobody told us how to fill in, the woman up front told us to fill in rows 5-8 and then the guy who was in charge of getting the single riders in place told my brother to move and my brother looked at me for confirmation as to what he said and the CM just snapped at him... So yes I understand he did not want my brother to be so slow, but he also should have considered that my brother is 9 (but acts 5) and not old enough to understand (or so I think other people may not agree) that there is an order to what they are doing. And I thank you for your input