In recent times a cover version or sampling is all you hear now. Music nowadays is coming from TV talent shows which is all just glorified karaoke. Bands don't seem to go through the "apprentice" stage of playing bars and clubs to a small audience. Now it is on "You Tube" etc.

Anyway, remember the days when a cover version was an honour. When established bands would include one on an album.

What are your favourites?

A few to get you started.

It Must Be Love by Madness - A beautiful take on an early 70's Labi Siffre song. (He even appeared in a cameo on their video.

Jealous Guy by Roxy Music - Bryan Ferry sang a great version to John Lennon's classic.

Ol 55 by The Eagles - Tom Waits didn't like their version until he got the royalty cheques.

Be interested to see what you guys come up with.