Saturday--DTD (part 1) and MK

When we arrived at MK, we headed right over to Tomorrowland to get on Space Mountain, where we got what I think is the best picture of us riding ever. DD was in front of me, and as we went around the turn I grabbed her hands, and we're both laughing. Bonus, the woman sitting behind us had just eaten a buffet dinner and in the picture she looks I mean, it wasn't funny, but the picture is LOL

After SM we hit the Laugh Floor, where DD got herself up on the video board twice--once for being able to burp the alphabet, and then I guess they spotted her Monsters University hat & Mike W. shirt cause then they put her up as a recent grad of Monsters University. Such a cute show, made even funnier when the audience really gets into it, which was the case with the people we were with.

We headed over to the new Fantasyland after that, stopping at it's a small world first, and grabbed FP for Under the Sea for after our dinner. At Be Our Guest.

We checked in at 8pm for our 8:05 reservations and weren't seated until after 8:30. Our server took ten minutes to get to our table, and then another 5 to come back with a children's menu for DD (who is an adult according to Disney but eats like a child). I had the shrimp and scallops, minus the scallops. I don't know if they subbed more shrimp, but it was a full puff pastry, with a few shrimp on the side. It was very good and I thoroughly enjoyed it (along with the Riesling I ordered!). DD had the kids steak, which she also enjoyed, except she likes steak sauce, and a significant amount of time went by before our server checked on us to discover she wanted it, and then of course we had to wait for her to bring it back. We didn't even order dessert--I told her we wanted to and she never came back with the cart. We got so tired of waiting for her that we just flagged her down for the check. We paid the bill and then headed over to the study to see the Beast. While in line DD and I spotted a girl walk by and looked at each other. It was Debby Ryan, from "Jessi" and whatever Zack and Cody show she was on. She had a group of people with her, and was wearing a tiara. At this point the CMs closed the study off, leaving the people in front of us (oblivious), us, and the people behind us (an older couple, who sort of recognized her but couldn't care less). DD was ecstatic to have spotted a celebrity, and once we had met the beast I went over just to see if she could say hello. The CM told us no, which of course was disappointing. I get it, she was celebrating her birthday, but there was ONE little girl there who wanted to meet her, and it literally would've taken the time DR was waiting for the couple behind us to get their pictures taken with the beast. But whatever.

So we left the study, and see a long line of people outside it, waiting for the beast to come back from his "break," and I asked if we could see the West Wing. The CM there tells me that "now" we can go in, which leads me to believe that DR and her party had a private dinner in the West Wing. I came to this conclusion because I realized that I had seen DR while we were eating, although I didn't know it was her. All I noticed were these ridiculously high-heeled shoes attached to a girl making her way to the...wait for it...West Wing. So, if she really didn't want to be recognized, but had that much power over the restaurant, they really could have brought the Beast to her, and no one would have even known she was there.

Anyway, after that it became a running joke that every time we got stuck on a ride (which was often), it was because Debby Ryan was on it LOL DD was still excited to have seen her. Overall dinner at BOG was nice but the service was so awful (and it was just our server--the woman behind us had a completely different experience with a completely different server) that I don't think I'd go back. OH! And there were TONS of empty tables in the big room, too.

We did Under the Sea next, which was nice but I have to say that there were already things not working on it. And of course we got stuck right at the end.

I think we headed over to POTC next, then Jungle Cruise, and grabbed some Pineapple Floats on our way out of the park. We just barely made it out before the second parade started LOL Back to the resort and we crashed!