I've been to WDW over forty times in my 38 years. I used to go every year but as life has gotten in the way, it seems to be every three now...

In any case, we're having a huge family outing to WDW the second and third week of August. I wanted to go for F&W, but my Bro-In-Law is a teacher, so that was out.

We know it'll be hot and sticky, and my twin boys will likely not be into to much, but what can they do? I'm trying to look at this visit through new eyes, and not what I can do.

Any tips on keeping them calm, cool and collected for most of the day? We'll be bringing umbrella strollers for each of them, and know there will be times when we just have to find a quiet corner and let them do their own thing (Dole Whip time, methinks).