Ok, so my husband and I will be booking our Thanksgiving trip this week. We've priced and priced and priced some more when it came to vacation packages and seemed to find the same results each time... airfare is just crazy expensive right now!! My son and I have flown our previous two times to Disney and now that I've remarried and have 3 step children... finding airfare at a reasonable price just doesn't seem like it's going to happen!

So we talked about the one thing that scares me the most when traveling with so many kids... a ROAD TRIP We've mapped it out and it seems like we will be in the car for about 19 hours!!

My questions to all of you wonderful people are... have any of you driven this far and long to get to Disney? The kids will be 13, 12 and 8 (his youngest child won't be coming because her mother will not let her); and would you recommend driving straight through or stopping?