It's been a while since I've posted. I've in a rather blah period in my life where I've been so busy with life, I haven't had a chance to even think about Disney stuff, let alone write and enjoy reading about everyone's adventures. Even the Disneyana club I belong to has changed so much, that I don't enjoy going to that anymore either.

Anyway, an update on my dad. You may or may not recall back in July/August, my parents took the kids up the Oregon coast to enjoy some adventures with just my parents. While they were enjoying their adventure, my dh and I went on a top secret trip to Disneyland and Las Vegas. When we returned, we were expecting them to be gone an extra week, but they came back early, because my mom and dad were tired. They came home on Sunday and by Friday, my dad was in the hospital. After several weeks, we discovered he had fungal phnemonia (sp?) and had developed an reaction to one of his medications that caused him to be bedridden. After almost 2 months, he was finally able to come home. Within in few months, he was back to bowling and playing golf and had even watched the kids for us recently.

Well, we got bad news yesterday. He has acute myeloid dyplasia (the same thing as Robin Roberts) and only has a few months. He starts Chemo on Monday to help prolong the time he has left so that he is more comfortable and able to enjoy the time he has left. Without treatment, he will end up spending most of his time getting transfusions and end up in the hospital within the next few weeks. I'm devistated! I don't know how to tell my kids who are 9 and 4 and love their grandpa so much. He looks wonderful, and by looking at him, you would never even know he was sick. It just stinks! He is only 67 and I want more time with my dad!