I've always been someone who had trouble pulling the trigger on getting healthy. I've gotten bogged down by slow weight loss and "looking good" and found that the more I obsessed about my weight I became, my self-esteem went with it. I'd searched for new inspiration for a long time, until just before New Years when I found the fire that would motivate me to start again:

Running in a tutu.

Well, that was the initial inspiration anyway. I decided that I wanted to run the Princess Half-Marathon. It seemed (and still does) like a major stretch to have that sort of goal, but for some reason, the idea inspired me to start getting back into shape. I've joined Weight Watchers again and am currently on week 7 of Couch to 5k. I am registered to run my first 5k on St. Patrick's Day and my second (Color me Rad) in April. This is supposed to be the start of my RunDisney journey :-)

The plan is no longer the Princess Half, because my husband is an accountant and it takes place during tax season so I changed the goal to the Wine and Dine Half.

Since I am just beginning the journey, I am planning to wait until November of 2014 to run (baby steps people!) but I wanted to document the goal here and also to ask if anyone else has ever set this hefty goal (to go from couch to Disney Half!) and would love any feedback and advice you could offer.

I'm hoping that by posting this here, I will come back to the boards and be reminded of my goal... and am looking forward to talking to all of you experienced runners and to someday write a trip report about the day I ran a Disney Half.