You either hate media day or you find it the least bit interesting. There is more reporting on who is asking what kind of questions than the questions themselves. But every year we tune in to see if anyone is dumb enough to say something stupid. This years winner Randy Moss. He said he was the best receiver who has ever played the game. I'm sure T.O. would have something to say about that or even Ocho Cinco aka Chad Johnson.

Getting back to Randy Moss as the best receiver ever, if that is the case then why in your prime nobody wants you? Lets look back on why you left Minnesota. You were TRADED. Because you out stayed your welcome in Minnesota. So 2 years in Oakland and how did you perform? You didn't. You purposely tanked plays and games so you could get traded. Where you were fortunate enough that New England gave up a 4th Rd pick for you.
3 1/2 years catching passes from Tom Brady, who is arguably the best at HIS position, you out stayed your welcome AGAIN. This time you were traded back to the Vikings for 4 games and was released and picked up by the Titans where you finished out the 2010 season. Where did he play in 2011. He was healthy, thats right he didn't. He comes back and catches 25 passes for a Super Bowl team and declares himself the greates ever. As you can see I didn't even get into his college troubles. If Randy Moss couldn't catch a football he'd still be in West Virginia getting into trouble.

By the way Jerry Rice doesn't have to tell anyone he is the Greatest Wide Receiver ever because he IS!