This is my 1501 post, I wanted to write something special for my 1500, but forgot and replied to some other post, so this will be my 1500+1 post.
My name is Randy, I’ll be 50 in September (I really can’t believe the guy who played football, basketball, played in rock bands, was into everything possible, is turning 50) and I’m a Disneyoligic.
Not sure when it started, but I can’t remember when I wasn’t. Now as an adult, it seems empty when I’m not planning or having a countdown to a vacation. I read the books, I have music on my ipod, my office has Disney stuff all over. I love the learning about Walt, I love reading books about the history of the parks, I love watching Disney movies (old and new), I’ve visited Marceline a number of times. It was part of my childhood as my parents use to always take me….
Because of this more than anything I love visiting the parks. My family understands, and even most of my friends do as well, but most do not.
So what do I love about a visit to WDW and Disneyland?
Well for starters, everything. But to be more specific let me get specific.
I love the journey to get there. The looking for the perfect dates, starting your countdown on your phone or calendar or something similar, then getting the resort, checking the countdown, getting on line trying to find the cheapest airline flights, booking dining, checking the countdown, changing your dining, changing your dining again, making the final payment, checking your countdown, getting your package, packing, repacking, worrying you’re forgetting something, getting on the plane, realizing you forgot something (oh well), getting off the plane in Orlando, walking by all the shops in the airport, getting on the shuttle to go to Magical Express, sitting down on the bus, and the movie starts, and then it hits you, you’re finally here, you sit back, smile and relax.
I would bet this is similar to what all of us experience, but from here everyone has a different experience. That is one of the best things about going to WDW. Want to hit the parks hard, you can do that. Want to have a nice slow relaxed vacation, you can do that. Want to make it cheaper, and stay at the value and eat out of pocket, yep, you can do that. Want a nice fancy vacation in a fancy resort w/ all the luxuries you’ve earned, yep go for it. Want to go w/ the guys and play golf, watch some sports, ride in a NASCAR car, it’s all available. You plan your vacation and it’s all there at WDW.
For me, I kind of combined a hit it hard trip w/ a take your time and enjoy your vacation type trip. When at the park I am usually moving fast, but make sure to take in the details, and the story of the Ques. I let myself sleep in most of the time, but not afraid to get up early for park openings or an early breakfast. I will usually get to the park w/ a plan but very seldom follow it. Usually it’s shot by the afternoon. I always try to get in Orlando and hit the park the first night w/ a walk down Mainstreet, dinner at Tony’s, and then fireworks. Just seems a good way to get my vacation started. I usually end it similar, a walk around MK, a sit on the bench under the railroad, and start to think about my next trip. Everyone has their own way to start and end.
But for the next week, we are in our Disney experience. What’s so special? I’m sure you will all have your own to add, and I hope you do. But to me, what is so awesome is that it’s a place everyone can enjoy. People from all races, ages, social backgrounds are all in the same place and all treated the same. You will see families w/ smiles on their faces, you will see young couples enjoying it, and you might even see a couple people w/ spiked hair, spiked jackets, tattoos all over, and they will be just as immersed in the magic as that family of four. It’s a perfect equalizer. No one is treated different in the park, there is no prejudice, the cast members treat the rich, the poor, the cultures, all the same. Nothing is off limits for anyone, fat kids, skinny kids, handicapped people, everyone can enjoy the magic together. Even the guests, are on their best behavior. Most of us are on our happiest and magical best behavior. People smile and say hi to people you may never talk to if they were even walking by you in your home town. People open doors for one another. It’s ok to talk to that person next to you while waiting for a parade or ride.
The lines may be long, but they usually don’t seen so long cause you know what you’re waiting for.
You can make your vacation what you want. Sure you may come by some rude people, or groups, but they have never bothered me. Who cares, I’m in Disney!!! I’ll get upset on a winter afternoon in Kansas when I can’t get a city planner on the phone when I need him, but I’m on vacation, nothing is going to affect my mood, and I’m not letting anyone ruin my trip on Peter Pan! I’m going to sing on Small World (don’t worry, I sing to myself, lol). I can’t wait to marvel at the new Fantasyland.
I’m 50, but I’m going to get my picture taken with Mickey, Donald, The Princesses, Tiger, Pooh, Tinkerbelle.
I’m going to make new memories, I’m going to make a fool of myself, I’m going to have stories, and pictures.
I could go on, but I’ve gone long enough. Sorry for making this so long.
When people ask me why I keep going back, I explain to them all WDW offers, the feeling, the happiness, the magic, so the real question is why aren’t they going with me! they ask if I get bored by seeing the same old thing, and I explain that in all the time I’ve gone, I haven’t seen it all yet. They keep adding stuff! lol
So what is it about a trip that makes you feel special? What makes you keep coming back. What are your feelings about your experience.

Thank you all for being my partners in Disney. Thanks for all the conversations. Thanks for all the information.
WDW.. See you on February 1st!!!!!

Have a magical day!