We just got back from a short visit to WDW on our way to see family. Since we were just staying two nights, we wanted to try a new hotel. We have always stayed at ASMu, and wanted to try AoA.

This resort totally wow-ed us! The theme-ing (how do you spell that/is it even a word?) was incredible. The Big Blue Pool was gorgeous and the girls loved being able to hear the music under the water.

We had a Little Mermaid room. Really cute decor! Not sure if these rooms are actually larger that the ASM rooms or if it just felt that way. Loved having the fridge in the room. We were the farthest out, but the walk to the main building wasn't bad at all - UNLESS you're just going for that first cup of coffee in the morning, then it's a looooong haul. If we stay here again (which is what the girls and I are voting for ) we would definitely have a coffee pot and breakfast items in the room. At ASMu we would always book a preferred room and that would make it easy for me to run over, get everyone breakfast and bring it back to the room. Not so easy where we were at in AoA.

The food court was huge and a bit overwhelming. But, the individual food and check out lines really weren't bad at all. Felt like we got our food and got to a table in a reasonable amount of time. We only ate a couple of meals there, pizza and breakfast, so couldn't really give a comprehensive review on the food. We did notice that they did not have Mickey waffles! That was disappointing.

The buses were prompt, no problems there. The gift shop was HUGE! Nice variety of stuff, but unfortunately I didn't get my shopping in. I had planned to do it before we left, but I was sick and got worse on that last day. There were things I wanted to buy this time too! Ah well.

DH prefers being close to the main building, like at ASMu. But, other than that, he loved the resort.