I am going through a really hard time at the moment. Many of you heard me talk about my boyfriend at ICOT 15 and here on the boards. Well today he ended our relationship, which completely took me by surprise. He felt our relationship was going in two different directions and he couldn't give me the commitment. "he wasn't ready." I won't get into it completely but needless to say I am shocked and devastated that this is happening. We were together four years and although I knew we weren't headed toward marriage for a while, this was the last thing I ever saw coming from him.

I have been through breakups and heartache like this before and I know that I will be ok, but I just have a really hard time letting go of a person who had been my rock through some of the worst times of my life. I have a great family and very supportive friends to lean on and I am thankful for that. I know my situation isn't nearly as terrible as what many others are going though, like the aftermath of Sandy for example. It's still just going to be really, really hard.