I will never EVER again ride the tower of terror. Trip after trip I always looked up at the hotel while driving by Hollywood studios, and while walking around HS I would stare up and wonder what it would be like. So finally during our most recent trip in August I decided it was go time! It was extra magic hours in the evening - I had no excuse. Let me just say the hotel lobby and whole queue line experience was cool - but that ride was sheer hell. I screamed and cried the entire ride and came off crying my eyes out. I was trying to hold myself down and gripping the bars so hard my hands were numb after. Now don't get me wrong I like big thunder, test track and some fast rides (I'm 26 years old and by no means a girl that scares easily) but WOW. That ride was traumatizing! In line I asked a woman probably around 40 years old with her small daughter if this was an intense ride she said its not even bad as air plane turbulence. ARE YOU KIDDING? Everyone else in my party assured me it was an easy, almost disappointing experience. I now have trust issues with said people lol

Are there any rides or things at WDW you will never EVER do again?

You couldn't get me on tower of terror again for a million dollars!