First of all, a big hello to my old friends, I know I haven't been around lately. I've missed you all. I've also missed writing my reports here!

We just returned from a trip to All Star Sports 8/14-8/23.

I've been debating whether or not to post anything, as I like to keep things as positive as possible. That being said, of course we had a wonderful time as we usually do and had a lot of fun sharing our trip with a first timer.

However, one of the things that stands out that I feel must be said, is my great sadness from all of the rude cast members we encountered. Never have I or my family ever been talked so curtly, been shown such a lack of caring, nor have we have ever felt so disrespected as we did on this trip and even starting with booking our reservations.

I love Disney and will continue to return, but I certainly hope their customer service standards greatly improve.